OpenAS2 / OpenAs2App

OpenAS2 is a java-based implementation of the EDIINT AS2 standard. It is intended to be used as a server. It is extremely configurable and supports a wide variety of signing and encryption algorithms.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Misleading error message when partnership/receiver is missing #255

Closed akasparas closed 2 years ago

akasparas commented 2 years ago

I had recipient tag instead of receiver in my partnership configuration. Yet OpenAS2 complained that sender is missing. Spent way too much time trying to find what's wrong.

uhurusurfa commented 2 years ago

thanks for the feedback. The message will be updarted to this in the next release: throw new OpenAS2Exception("Partnership \"" + partnershipName + "\" is missing a node entry for the " + partnerType + ".");

akasparas commented 2 years ago

Thanks! On a related note, could you please also check that partner node has both name and as2_id attributes defined. Due to spelling mistakes in these names server could not find relationships. And reason for that was very difficult to find.

uhurusurfa commented 2 years ago

Message changed in release 3.0.0