OpenAS2 / OpenAs2App

OpenAS2 is a java-based implementation of the EDIINT AS2 standard. It is intended to be used as a server. It is extremely configurable and supports a wide variety of signing and encryption algorithms.
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Improvement: Create new message handler for inbound/outbound messages to support RabbitMQ/others #88

Open justanu opened 6 years ago

justanu commented 6 years ago

This is a new feature not a bug. I would like to create a new handler for both inbound and outbound messages:

jsmucr commented 6 years ago

Good that you mention this. I've already developed modules that communicate with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis like this. The problem is that OpenAS2 isn't quite ready for this, so the solution is a bit hacky. But we're planning to put in into production. One day, soon.

uhurusurfa commented 6 years ago

@jsmucr Please feel free to suggest how OpenAS2 can be adapted to make it easier to create a message queue module

@justanu You can follow the suggestions on how to add the inbound and outbound handlers as discussed here: Essentially, for inbound messages implement a class that replaces for passing received messages into a queue. Declare the module in the same way as the MessageFileModule is declared .

Similarly for outbound messages implement a class that replaces org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule for receiving messages to be sent via AS2 from the message queue

You should be able to copy the 2 classes listed above and then replace the relevant code in the class with code that reads/writes message queues.

justanu commented 6 years ago

@uhurusurfa will follow the instructions and update the ticket. Thanks everyone.

jsmucr commented 6 years ago

@uhurusurfa Sure. I didn't mean to be rude. I appreciate the software very much and will gladly help with its development (however my boss allows me to :-)).

This is an example of my code (Groovy). There's a nasty thing I had to use to be able to create an AS2Message instance with partnership details preset (since there's no input file path to extract these things from):

import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.ClientMessage
import org.openas2.OpenAS2Exception
import org.openas2.Session
import org.openas2.message.AS2Message
import org.openas2.message.Message

class MessageSourceModule extends ClouEDIMQSourceModule {

    private ThreadLocal<Map> messageProperties = new ThreadLocal<>()

    void init(Session session, Map<String, String> parameters) throws OpenAS2Exception {
        super.init(session, parameters)

    protected Message createMessage() {
        final msg = new AS2Message()
        final props = messageProperties.get() = props.message.sender.toString() = props.message.receiver.toString()
        return msg

    void doStart() throws OpenAS2Exception {

    void doStop() throws OpenAS2Exception {

    boolean healthcheck(List<String> failures) {
        return true

    protected boolean receive(ClientMessage msg) {
        // HACK: I need to propagate certain received params to the createMessage() method
        messageProperties.set(MapUtils.explodeKeys(msg.toPropertyMap(), '.' as char))
        processDocument(msg.bodyInputStream, msg.getStringProperty(''))
justanu commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to easily debug the server? I've built MessageAMQPModule to send AS2 messages to AMQP queue instead of file system, set new module on config.xml. I would like now to start the server in debug mode, can someone explain shortly how I can do that? In the mean time , I will try on my own.

jsmucr commented 6 years ago

Try adding the server itself as a Maven dependency to your module. The only downside is that the latest version available there is OpenAS2 2.4.1.

uhurusurfa commented 6 years ago

I would suggest your first step should be a unit test but you can use the unit test that does a full system test(/src/test/java/org/openas2/app/ and run it in debug mode in your IDE. This is easily accomplished in Eclipse and can provide more details to do this if you are using Eclipse

justanu commented 6 years ago

I got the inbound working nicely:

<module classname=""

Header: AS2-From: | OpenAS2A_OID AS2-To: | OpenAS2B_OID AS2-Version: | 1.1 .... Payload: Cg8wh2Qu.....

Will work on outbound as well.

justanu commented 6 years ago

Got the outbound working as well, however there are few other things to consider, the retry and the MDN.

So far here is an outbound configuration module: <module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2AMQPPollingModule" interval="20" mq_connection_string="amqp://user1:user1@ubuntudev:5672/soasol" mq_queue="AS2_Outbound" format="sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, attributes.fileid" errordir="%home%/../data/toOpenAS2B/error"/>

The interval is irrelevant since whenever the module starts, it listen to the messages on the AMQP queue. This is good since it actions immedialtely on receving of the message.

The MQ message must have AS2-From and AS2-To set to match the AS2 ides as defined on the partnership.xml configuration file.

I still need to see how I can replace the "errorDir" with a different mechanism, and probably create a retry module from queue instead of file system.

justanu commented 6 years ago

Changed it slightly as following:

INBOUND <module classname="" mq_connection_string="amqp://user1:user1@ubuntudev:5672/soasol" mq_queue="AS2_Inbound"/>

OUTBOUND <module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2AMQPPollingModule" interval="9999" mq_connection_string="amqp://user1:user1@ubuntudev:5672/soasol" mq_queue="AS2_Outbound" mq_error_queue="AS2_Error" format="sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, attributes.fileid" errordir=""/>

The interval and errordir are not used. Will build test cases and provide the code

uhurusurfa commented 6 years ago

Make sure you test with the latest version in the "dev" branch. There are significant changes to the base code for handling HTTP transport as well as fixes for resend functionality but no change to the module interface API so it should work the same

uhurusurfa commented 6 years ago

@justanu Have you managed to complete this feature to include in the next release?

uhurusurfa commented 5 years ago

@justanu Are you still going to provide the solution back to the project or shall I close this issue?

igwtech commented 4 years ago

If there is no progress I'll pick up on this.

igwtech commented 4 years ago

I'm picking up on this. After some work, I'll have to do some refactoring and code reorganization of the packages. Is that possible?

igwtech commented 4 years ago

Basically, I want to extract the Interface and relocate it into its own package to simplify the creation of similar extensions as external libraries to the project.

uhurusurfa commented 4 years ago

I am prpbably missing something but not sure what exactly you want to do in terms of refactoring. The DirectoryPollingModule is already a pluggable module. A RabbitMQ implementation would simply use the same interface as the DirectoryPollingModule to pass files into OpenAS2.

ie. You simply extend MessageBuilderModule

Any module you plug in would then pass files it has to the AS2SenderModule via the MessageBuilder implementation.