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Replay instrumentation #757

Open abrichr opened 3 months ago

abrichr commented 3 months ago

Feature request

We would like to display replays in the dashboard, and all associated data.

This involves instrumenting replays to record all data, e.g. segmentations, prompts.

Probably the easiest way to do this is at the adapter level. This may also involve calling record from replay.


abrichr commented 3 months ago

There are two pieces:

  1. whenever a replay happens, record as much as possible about the replay action automatically (e.g. date/time, strategy, strategy arguments)

  2. As a developer, I would like to add this to replay code:

self.replay_log.capture({"segmentation": segmentation})

And have this appear in the dashboard along with e.g. line number, date/time, commit hash.

We need to be able to store plain text (e.g. JSON) and binary (e.g. pickle).

Example binary data:


class ReplayLog:
    key: str
    data: ...


We probably want to capture automatically during replay.

Eventually we may also want to run record, but that's not necessary for the first order attempt.

abrichr commented 3 months ago


To automatically instrument the execution of and ensure that all relevant inferences are stored to the database efficiently and systematically, you can utilize Python's decorators and context managers to capture relevant data points during the execution of specific functions or methods. This approach would allow you to encapsulate the logging logic separately from the business logic, making your code cleaner and less error-prone.

Using Decorators

A decorator can be applied to functions where you need to capture the execution details. This approach is useful for functions or methods where important data transformations or decisions are made, such as segmentation results or action decisions.

Example Decorator

Here's a simple decorator that could be used to log the input and output of a method, which can then be pushed to your database:

from functools import wraps
from openadapt.db import crud  # Assuming CRUD operations are defined here for database interactions

def log_inference(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Log input details
        input_details = {
            "function": func.__name__,
            "input_args": args,
            "input_kwargs": kwargs
        crud.create_log_entry(input_details)  # Assuming this function logs to the database

        result = func(*args, **kwargs)

        # Log output details
        output_details = {
            "function": func.__name__,
            "output": result
        crud.create_log_entry(output_details)  # Assuming this function logs to the database

        return result
    return wrapper

# Usage
def get_window_segmentation(action_event):
    # Implementation details...

Using Context Managers

A context manager can be used for capturing a block of operations, especially where multiple operations need to be logged together, or you need to ensure resources are correctly managed, such as database sessions.

Example Context Manager

Here's an example of a context manager that could be used to encapsulate a database session or transaction for logging:

from contextlib import contextmanager
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from openadapt.db import engine  # Assuming an SQLAlchemy engine is configured

def logging_context(description: str):
    session = Session(bind=engine)
        session.commit()  # Commit at the end of the block
    except Exception as e:
        session.rollback()  # Ensure rollback if there's an error

# Usage in your
with logging_context("Replaying strategy execution"):
    # Additional operations can be performed here, and all will be wrapped in a single transaction

Integration into Web Dashboard

For displaying these logs in a web dashboard:

  1. Database Schema: Ensure your database schema includes tables to store logs with sufficient metadata (timestamps, function names, input/output data).
  2. API Endpoints: Create API endpoints to query these logs based on different parameters (date range, function name, etc.).
  3. Frontend Visualization: Use these APIs to fetch log data in your dashboard and use libraries like D3.js or Chart.js to visualize the logs as needed.

This approach ensures your application's core functionality is decoupled from the logging logic, provides a systematic way to capture all necessary data for debugging or analysis, and prepares your infrastructure for future scalability.

abrichr commented 3 months ago


To handle the replay ID automatically and ensure it's used seamlessly throughout the execution of python -m openadapt.replay without the developer needing to set it manually, you can use a context manager or a global state management approach. The goal is to manage the lifecycle of a replay session, creating a new entry in the database at the start and capturing the replay_id for use during the session. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Approach 1: Using a Context Manager

Create a context manager that initializes a replay session and stores the replay_id. This replay_id is then accessible during the execution of the replay.

from contextlib import contextmanager
from openadapt.db import crud, Session  # Assuming CRUD operations and session handling

def replay_session(strategy_name, **kwargs):
    session = Session()  # Create a new database session
        # Create and commit a new replay record
        new_replay = Replay(

        yield  # This is the replay_id

    except Exception as e:
        raise e

# Usage in replay module
def execute_replay(strategy_name, **kwargs):
    with replay_session(strategy_name, **kwargs) as replay_id:
        # Here replay_id is automatically managed and can be passed to other functions
        run_strategy(strategy_name, replay_id=replay_id, **kwargs)

def run_strategy(strategy_name, replay_id, **kwargs):
    strategy = get_strategy(strategy_name, replay_id=replay_id, **kwargs)

Approach 2: Global State Management

Another approach is to manage the replay_id using a global state that is accessible throughout the execution context. This can be done using a global configuration or state object.

class GlobalState:
    replay_id = None

from openadapt.global_state import GlobalState
from openadapt.db import crud

def start_replay(strategy_name, **kwargs):
    # Create a new replay record
    new_replay = Replay(

    # Store the replay_id globally
    GlobalState.replay_id =

    # Run the strategy

def run_strategy(strategy_name):
    strategy = get_strategy(strategy_name)

Integrated Logging and Caching with Automatic Replay ID Handling

For the decorators (logging and caching), you can modify them to fetch the replay_id from the global state or the context manager, depending on the approach used:

from openadapt.global_state import GlobalState

def log_execution(fn):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.time()
        result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        duration = time.time() - start_time

        log_entry = {
            "replay_id": GlobalState.replay_id,
            "function_name": fn.__name__,
            "input_args": args,
            "input_kwargs": kwargs,
            "output": result,
            "execution_time": duration

        return result
    return wrapper

By using these approaches, the replay ID is handled automatically, eliminating the need for manual setting by the developer, and ensuring that all associated actions are properly linked to the replay session. This approach keeps the execution and logging processes clean and streamlined.

abrichr commented 2 months ago

Let's also implement basic functionality for displaying in the dashboard.