OpenAgFunding / development

For developing responses to current gaps in the availability and usability of open data on funding for agriculture and food security.
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Aid Type extension #13

Open mikecastro opened 8 years ago

mikecastro commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone,

When we presented at the ICTforAg conference, we received a lot of feedback from the private sector. In addition to some of the data requests we've already been hearing, those working in impact investing and other private investors would like to know the different types of aid. This is needed to not be "crowded out" and invest in areas where market approaches don't make much sense. The private sector would like to know which type aid is given: loans, subsidies, microfinance, etc.

The Aid Type field can help us get to this data request. Presently, the codelist for Aid Type doesn't reflect this data need. Perhaps, we should propose changes to the codelist to distinguish more market driven approaches to those which provide subsidies, grants, etc.

timgdavies commented 8 years ago

These are great insights.

I'm wondering whether this is best done via the AidType codelist, or some other location in the standard though. The current AidType codelist has entries for:

But there is also FlowType with entries for:

And there appears to be a model for capturing loans (see Loan RepaymentType codelist, though I'm not quite sure how this works).

So - the question we might set ourselves first is can the following be modelled in IATI already:

And if not, where would be the best place to represent them?

(We would also need to think carefully about any precedent to draw upon for a codelist, and making sure there are clear use-cases for each code)

lgrino commented 8 years ago

This is very closely related to #15.

stevieflow commented 8 years ago

Specifically on AidType and FlowType, I do not believe these can be changed / added to from external input as these are both Non-Embedded codelists , meaning they are administered by an external source - in this case the OECD DAC:

Therefore, whilst the user story is helpful, the next steps are in need of work - perhaps via #15 , as @mikecastro suggests