OpenAgFunding / development

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Review applicability of CG "Agricultural and Nutrition Technology" ontology #2

Open mbacou opened 8 years ago

mbacou commented 8 years ago

A draft ontology is here Was envisioned as an expanded "sector" list to describe agricultural investments. Would need review and up-take fro a wider community.

stevieflow commented 8 years ago

@mbacou is this ontology available in a "flat format" somewhere / somehow - ie: a list of all terms?

Context: I was thinking specifically about how such a vocabulary could be "referenced" from an IATI activity - using a code/name/vocabulary ID. Hence the other question is how an endpoint can be derived for each term in the ontology - via the GUI there are several IRIs, but these do not resolve: eg

mbacou commented 8 years ago

@stevieflow publishing the CGIAR ontology to a permanent location with SPARQL endpoints is underway. Will try to get that done in the next 2 weeks... This will replace the now outdated version at