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PCS and CRS agricultural purpose code lists need additional details #6

Open mbacou opened 8 years ago

mbacou commented 8 years ago

Lists at:

timgdavies commented 8 years ago

PCS - Philanthropy Classification System

CRS - Creditor Reporting System

duncandewhurst commented 8 years ago

Rather than extending 3rd party codelists (which could have a long lead time) we could use a more specific classification and reference where it would nest in these taxonomies.

laurenjanebradford commented 8 years ago

How do we want to move this forward? Call in the coming weeks?

mikecastro commented 8 years ago

Would it be helpful to add the PCS to this sheet to help us move forward? This sheet includes OECD DAC CRS, AidData, OECD Budget Identifiers.

stevieflow commented 8 years ago

I've pulled out a focus on PCS into

@mbacou would you be able to clarify the provenance of

I understand this as a subset of the OECD DAC Purpose Codes - full list source at (note - it is difficult to track changes over time on this list as far as I know)

Who / what is "adam" - are they the publisher of this codelist? Is it altered from the source at all?

More widely, IATI use this list to inform both Sector and SectorCategory codelists - both of which are "non-embedded" status - but can only really be updated via the authoritative source (OECD DAC channels)

mbacou commented 8 years ago

ADAM is FAO's program on Agricultural Development Assistance Mapping with their primary database at This data is indexed using sector and subsector codes, which I believe are a subset of OECD DAC.

I'm referencing issue #2 here (on CGIAR agricultural technology ontology) which could be an additional or alternate way to classify agricultural activities.