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Thoughts on boots' & a few heroes' balance #1422

Closed Chogex closed 6 years ago

Chogex commented 6 years ago

Hey, I am Chogex. These are some suggestions/thoughts I have after playing the mode religiously the past week and topping the leaderboard. I was also a part of the team that won the first ever oaa tournament, OTA. I wrote this on a plane while bored so some things might be a bit rushed and please forgive any spelling mistakes I might’ve made. I did not have the time to write about everything I had in mind that requires some attention.

Arcanes/ggs need to be nerfed. The gpm on the 4th and 5th upgrades are the tipping point, before that the progression is almost fine. In addition to nerfing the gpm, I suggest reducing creep bounty gold you get if you have arcanes/ggs. Currently ggs being dominant means that everyone has a free purge, which makes certain items like bloodthorn and some heroes a lot less effective. Tranquils are in a fairly good spot I'd say, but the op arcanes/ggs make them feel slow, even though they give plenty of gold. Tp boots aren't good since no one is actually farming the map. That should change with nerfs/buffs to the other boots. To prevent the tournament meta from becoming dominant again I still think that the tp boots should be nerfed to shafe gold between them. However, if that nerf is made, the gold gained should be raised by a couple percentages. Treads need to be buffed. And by that I mean their farming capability. The game is much faster these days since people know what they’re doing and there is more gold available thanks to the different boots. Increasing the creep bounty by a percentage (the percentage being fairly low) should make treads a viable option even in a competitive match where resource management is key. Phase boots are fine as they are currently and I see them as the ‘cave’ boots. The previously dominant strategy (bf+phase and tps) should not be an issue again if the tp boots share their gold. The changes into creep bounties has also made that strategy less viable.

Onto hero changes. Dominant heroes should be nerfed to allow room for different heroes and to add variety to drafting. Underlord is ridiculously strong currently. His q enables the hero. He can dominate early game, build up into a huge tank and take bosses fast thanks to his ultimate ability. Nerfing the q (I forget the name) by reducing the flat damage it deals would make him less dominant early on while still keeping his boss killing strengths and late game. Necrophos is the best nuker in the game with a 7ish second ultimate cd that can take out anything below 50-60% hp. Necrophos doesn’t win the game by himself, but is still on a different power level when compared to other heroes. His ultimate needs a nerf and instead of increasing the ult cooldown or damage, you could make the ultimate be unaffected by cooldown reduction. This way Necrophos can still be the killing machine that he is, but unable to ult all five enemy heroes within a span of 35 seconds. Enigma can deal 100% of hp as pure damage with the combo of midnight pulse + black hole + refresh + midnight pulse +black hole with aghanims and this is without spell amp. That’s just not okay. His ultimate is already a channeled four second stun on multiple heroes. Changing the damage type of midnight pulse to magical reduces the insane damage and allows for actual counterplay. The black hole itself can still deal pure damage so the ultimate will still do some damage against magic immune targets.

Some quick thoughts to finish up with: Nyx is very strong due to perma invis and damage reduction (possible nerfs are new ways of detectiom or reduced damage reduction on burrow) Puck’s (near) infinite phase shift Remove cdr on phase shift Illusions + arcanes working together to multiply your gpm (monkey king gains ~x10 gpm after using his ultimate)

Haganeko commented 6 years ago

There is a duplicate. Closed.