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Swiper: Boss (code) #2065

Closed warpdragon closed 6 years ago

warpdragon commented 6 years ago

Boss: Swiper (Code)

We have several bosses already implemented which you should feel free to use as inspiration/reference. Also you can reference some other open source custom games on Github which have boss fights including Second Day of Frostivus where you will find our IO boss (designed by Yahnich). Files should follow the structure already established in the components subfolders (such as /abilities/, /boss/, etc).


1.1. Lua

1.2. KV

The following list of required unit properties to be outlined in KV is not exhaustive and coders should expand upon it as required.

1.3. Tooltips

A tooltip file should be created and list

1.4. Model & Animations

Temporary models are needed for the purposes of coding and testing the boss properly. The base boss model should be used from the pool of existing dota 2 models respecting considerations such as attack range and basic necessary animations. Use FollowEntity() or equivalent to give him a sword.

Range: Melee

1.5. Animations


All abilities should be telegraphed by a particle effect outlining the location, area, and general motion of the ability. Abilities require a significant "wind-up" animation to play accompanied by the creation of this targetting reticle particle before executing the damage, so players will learn to dodge his abilities. For the purposes of coding the basic boss, custom particles are not required, but a filler particle must be used. Particles can be hidden or commented out at the coder's discretion, but the particle code must be complete and working.

2.1. Lua

2.2. KV

KV should account for abilities with 3 levels corresponding to the 3 phases. Damage and cooldown especially should be adjustable to balance the phases.

2.3. Tooltip

2.4. Icons

2.5. Particles

Telegraph particles should accompany the wind-up animation and have a lifespan of approximately the same timespan.

2.6. Animations

If the following animations cannot be found in the same hero, get as close as you can with as many as you can:


3.1. Lua

3.2. Tooltip

3.3. Icons

3.4. Particles


4.1 Phase One

4.2. Phase Two

4.3. Phase Three

carlosrpg commented 6 years ago

I have a question. Frontswipe is counter-clockwise and backswipe is clockwise? shouldn't both follow the same movement so the boss can immediately connect one after the other?

l34Um1 commented 6 years ago

The idea is that the boss swipes from right to left and then instead of going back into the starting position swipes from left to right.

carlosrpg commented 6 years ago

oh, so it is the same area of effect, not a complete roll? Also, how fast it will be the swipe? only one tick of damage for the whole semi circle?

l34Um1 commented 6 years ago

Yes same area of effect. Swipe should be pretty fast.

carlosrpg commented 6 years ago

having Start_Angle and End_Angle for swipes will probably not be compatible with the animations I think. align the boss to hit more heroes with a single swipe is a AI feature, not ability. Will we still have those specials for the abilities?

warpdragon commented 6 years ago

you be the judge on that. if i listed KV that you don't need that's my fault.

warpdragon commented 6 years ago

much of this is unexplored territory. i have tried to be as accurate as possible when writing this. i would rather err on the side of too much info than not enough. in the end if you do not need some of the things i put in there to complete the boss I will not deny the bounty on a technicality if, by all other metrics, you did a great job.

carlosrpg commented 6 years ago

Np, this is supposed to be an iterative work. It is part of what we call extracting requirements

Trildar commented 6 years ago

You should fill in all the "boss average" stuff so that people don't have to go looking at files just to figure that out. I don't know if "boss average" hp even has any real meaning right now. Similarly for XP and gold bounty. I believe all bosses currently have 0?

Haganeko commented 6 years ago

They do, or they should. The small ogres apparently give a bit of bounty.