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Swiper: Boss - Sound | 10€ Bounty #2126

Open Shusama opened 6 years ago

Shusama commented 6 years ago

Boss Swiper

We have several bosses already implemented which you should feel free to use as inspiration/reference. Also you can reference some other open source custom games on Github which have boss fights including Second Day of Frostivus where you will find our IO boss (designed by Yahnich). Files should follow the structure already established in the components subfolders (such as /abilities/, /boss/, etc).

See also:

Swiper: Boss - Model/Animations/Icons #2124 Swiper: Boss - Code #2123 Swiper: Boss - Particles #2125

Bug Bounty Guideline


Since most of his abilities are sword swings they should also sound like those. Have a different sound for the abilities hitting something elsewise something like simple sword swings through air.

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@Shusama @l34Um1 I claim this issue. Please tell me how to send it to you guys??

chrisinajar commented 6 years ago

Create a pull request containing all of the sounds and the .vsndevts file.

If you need help with the later, ask in discord.

chrisinajar commented 6 years ago

This ticket is basically pure data entry, the generic material-specific sounds already exist in base dota.

l34Um1 commented 6 years ago

Uh no, this ticket is about creating custom sound effects Chris.

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

look I can create them in mp3 or wav format. I have no idea abot .vsndevts files :/

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@l34Um1 I already have some sounds for Electrician. Can I create a pull request and send them there?

chrisinajar commented 6 years ago

Indeed, dota already has swish, strike, and clang noises with every combination of materials. Additionally the data entry format supports speed, volume, and pitch shift options. One can easily finish this ticket without creating any new sound files. Custom sounds are nice-to-have, pitch shifting and playing sounds over each other are how dota does most of its non-skill sound effects, and even many skills are 1 custom sound played over a generic one or purely composed of generic sounds.

the .vsndevts file is what describes to dota how to play the sounds, including the aforementioned pitch/volume/speed settings, and also gives all the files name. It supports both wav and mp3, and compiles the audio file into dota's proprietary format.

chrisinajar commented 6 years ago

most of the work for this ticket will be making small tweaks to the vsndevts to get the sounds to feel nice in engine. I did this process for sohei last time, it's a very iterative but quite intuitive process.

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@chrisinajar OK. So I just create a pull request and send all wav format sound effects there. I already have some sounds for Electrician.

chrisinajar commented 6 years ago

Yes, create a pull request containing all of the files in the right spots and also the vsndevts file to describe them all. The sounds wont play without the vsndevts file. I highly recommend looking at sohei for an example.

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@chrisinajar I'm a musician and I just joined github like 2 days ago to help you guys with sound "issues"> To be honest Chris, I have no idea about vsndevts files!

chrisinajar commented 6 years ago

You need to get onto discord and also be able to run the game locally in tools mode, otherwise you have no way of knowing how it sounds in-engine.

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@chrisinajar Alright I'll check it out. Thanks

mikibun commented 6 years ago

@hesamironman has this been finished? :)

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@mikibun I've finished both this and electrician, but as I said I just gave up, because I don't know about vsndevts files. If it's helpful, I can recreate them and send them but I have no idea about that particular format. I can only make in wav or mp3 :)

mikibun commented 6 years ago

@hesamironman I think people might be able to convert it for you, I'll ask around, so hold fire.

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

@mikibun Alright :)

HessamMehdizadeh commented 6 years ago

I have Swiper and Electrician sounds! Can someone help me with creating a pull request please?