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Boss mechanics #128

Open Falkenx1 opened 7 years ago

Falkenx1 commented 7 years ago
  1. Elemental Boss,

    • 3 types of grounds inside boss pit (fire, water, earth)
    • boss randomly switches between a water, earth and fire form
    • if boss stands on ground representing his form (e.g. fire form on lava) he get healed over time. Healing starts slow but increases the longer he is in his element
    • if boss stands on opposite element (e.g fire form on water) he get damage over time (or reduced armor)
    • after staying too long on an different element he turns into that element
    • players need to constanly lure boss around the pit
  2. Techie

    • basically a Techie who spawns several mines randomly all over the boss pit
    • Player need to destroy mines befor they explode because otherwise all characters inside the pit get massiv damage
    • pit should be big enough so you eighter need to be very fast to reach all mines or be in a team which has spread evenly over the area (or make the mines only destroyable from close distance)
  3. Helping creep

    • Boss spawns with anouther creep which is on players side
    • Boss always tries to kill this creep first
    • creep reduces armor of boss significantly, therefore you should try to save this creep by healing, giving armor etc.
  4. Obstacle course

    • after x% health lost the boss blinks away
    • between the boss and the hero emerge clockwerks clogs (with gaps between them)
    • Player need to reach the boss without touch the clogs (- might add the reversed control left= right, right = left etc. to make it harder) (- disable blick )
  5. lure into mines

    • boss has several phases where players can't dmg him
    • player need to lure him into mines which spawns randomly on the map
    • because you can't atk him in this time you don't have lifesteal (makes it hard to surive if you don't manage to bring him into position fast)
  6. control creeps

    • boss spanws creeps
    • when they are killed you summon a copy of them for a while (they cant leave the pit)
    • summond creeps do high armor reduction
    • creeps should be strong enough to not die instant (there need to be a tradeoff between killing another creep or damge the actual boss)
Falkenx1 commented 7 years ago
  1. Furry swipes
Haganeko commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the submission. Please refrain from suggesting bosses which are basically dota heroes. The other ideas have merit. Care to expand upon them? There is a useful template on issue #37.