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[Boss Encounter]Suppressed Boss #148

Closed Haganeko closed 6 years ago

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

Supressed Boss


The arena is divided between two areas. In one (Area A) is the boss, contained by a suppressor of some sort (magic circle? cage? chains?). In the second (Area B) is an NPC, clearly attached to the suppressor. The areas are separated by some kind of barrier which does not impede movement.


The boss sits still in the center of Area A, as notated above.

Phase 1 (100%-80% HP)

Phase 1: The boss has no autoattack, and does not move; it summons small projectiles which move around Area A. If they pass near a hero, they zoom towards them and explode, causing damage. They do not enter Area B. It is impossible to attack the boss from Area B, much like trying to attack roshan outside the pit.

Phase 2 (80%-50% HP)

The boss strikes at the container somehow (electrifying it, setting it aflame, or something else), and the NPC's health starts draining. Once the NPC dies, the boss starts freeing itself. If no hero steps onto the supressor (and has their health gradually drained as a result), the boss breaks free. It is fast and deals heavy damage, but does not enter Area B. As soon as a hero steps into the supressor, the boss is bound again. All the while, the projectiles keep being summoned

Phase 3 (<50% HP)

The boss shatters the barrier between Areas A and B. The projectiles can now go there, as can the boss, and they are increased in number and speed. The boss can now be attacked from Area B.

Additional Notes

The NPC is supposed to teach the players the mechanic of the suppression and health drain, before the true battle begins. It should last some 20 seconds once phase 2 begins. Attacking it should probably be disabled.

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

"These are some interesting mechanics. Please focus on them, instead of flavor/lore. For example, instead of saying the boss throws daggers, say it throws projectiles." ;)

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

I tried. How would you have me word it, to make it more mechanical? I appreciate the help.

lizciz commented 7 years ago

Yes, wording can be difficult I have noticed, but I kind of like this idea :) Perhaps like this (made some slight modifications as well)?:


Phase 1:

Phase 2 (80%):

Phase 2.5 (when prison starts breaking again):

Phase 3 (30% or if prison breaks):

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

Couple of clarifications: If a projectile passes near a hero, it zeroes in on them (this should reduce the number of stuff spawning, and make positioning even more important). The NPC (or whoever is standing on the supressor) takes constant DoT - once the NPC is dead, it's one less hero fighting, and taking the projectiles. If no one is standing on it for too long (say, because the one who was there died), the boss breaks free. It is very strong, players will have to scramble to get someone on the supressor. Phase 3 means the one who is standing in the supressor is now vulnerable. Besides the DoT of supressing the boss, they now also have to tank the projectiles - and they can't move too much to dodge, or the boss will get free.

l34Um1 commented 7 years ago

This boss worries me. It seems impossible to kill for certain team compositions.

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

How so? The team needs to have mobility or tankiness, and be OK with having one less fighter, but so long as they can either kill the boss quickly or have some sustain for their sacrifice, it should work.

Haganeko commented 6 years ago

Yeah, this is terrible, It also depends on a particular arena, which is a deprecated concept.