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[Boss Idea] Boss with trees mechanics #174

Open GrandShinobi opened 7 years ago

GrandShinobi commented 7 years ago

This is one of my favorite dota 2 mechanics, trees. Trees make a big part of dota 2 as clearly defined by Valve. From vision, juking or movement of certain heroes to stuns to summoning little wood guys to rat on everyones door. With the addition of monkey king, he just take tree mobility to a whole new level. There is so much on trees I thought why don't make a boss around it?

However as there are many thing one can do with trees, it is not easy to put the mechanics of trees on a single boss as new players mostly likely going to start barking up the wrong tree ( pun intended) . Therefore I am going to suggest two bosses to make it easier to handle instead of cramping into one. The bosses also encourage the use of heroes that play around trees to ensure an easy boss takedown.

1 (or should i say treetag 1) Boss:

Layout: (This is pretty important) The entrance of the arena is litter with trees, set the mood quite well. However as players get closer to the boss they will experience a big patch of area with a noticeable amount of less trees.

Ability: When engaged it starts throwing out fireball along the ground which deal minimal amount of magic damage to players. Do take reference from Epic Boss Fight when Doom starts throwing fireballs at everyone. As the fireball rolls foward it touches trees and set them on fire. The lit time is about 2 seconds to ensure players can react to it. When it is fully lit, it immolates in an aoe with a possible graphic of scorched earth. The damage out put is significant tomake it a problem that needs to be addressed. Do ensure the burn damage does not kill in the matter of seconds to give reaction time to new players. They will soon realize that only away so counter this problem is to cut down the trees. Non tree destroying heroes will have to buy a quelling blade to ensure the ability to tackle the boss. It is a possibility that we need to have an upgrade to quelling blade to ensure such heroes can tackle this problem. As one can see, the potential of tree cutting heroes in such situations is godlike ( shoutout to timbersaw) . I recommend that tree respawn time to be reduce significantly like 10-15 seconds. The boss can also spawn trees to hype up the battle. I recommend the boss to have high health like really high health and not attack at all but spam fireballs and trees occasionally. This will make a long drawn out battle of carrys beating up the trees while supports run all over the place to cut down trees to stop thier carries from dying to immolation. This boss should be a 20-30 min boss.

2 ( or treetag i should say) Boss:

This boss.... If you tell me you want to take on this boss without a quelling blade.... Touch wood ( pun intended)

This boss does not attack at all and also apply and immolation in the entire arena. The way the boss work is to make tree pop up around him at a very fast rate obstructing vision of player hitting the boss. Like a nature prophet it creates a sheil of tree around itself and burns with immolation. Because it does not attack, player have no vision on it. Thus this makes heroes with tree cutting abilities very sought after for clearing this boss, not only that heroes that are able to provide vision like clockwerk or monkey king will be viable too. I suggest that at the start of the engagement he give a burst of tree around himself and spawn multiple circles of trees around the area. Severally impairing movment and vision. Just take it as a nature prophet ability (sprout) and multicast x 15 smth along that line. It will have a cooldown of thirty seconds for this ability. This enables players who clear way the trees fast an opportunity to melt the Boss down. After thirty second it will recast the sprout around itself and all the trees for "miles" trapping players again. As one can see, this will be a pretty slow battle so I suggest making the boss with a higher health pool to make it interesting. I will imaging the conversation will be like: Player 1: "2 seconds to cast!" Drow Ranger player: " his down to half health" (Ability cast) Player 1: " timber help!" Windranger, player 3 :"powershot!" Drow sees a clear path out of the trees. "Thanks!" Timbersaw, player 4 "charkam!" Tree through the trees to free the last two players. "Ok!" Player 1 and 5sees daylight " Ready!" Timber fires timberchain and breaks the ring of trees. Vision is granted on the target. "Lay down the fire!"

Hope to see AAA come to "fruit"tion (pun intended ) Love your content! Leave it hear for now.

l34Um1 commented 7 years ago

I find the first idea intriguing. Not sure if doable. It's also missing an actual fight so far.

GrandShinobi commented 7 years ago

I guess it could also attack, I am not sure what you mean that it is not and actual boss fight. Cause I was think that the boss just attacks with two spells combo, tree spawning and setting them with fire which also does damge to players.