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[Item/new mechanics] Eye of Seer / Staff of Visions / Peeking Crown (resubmit) #177

Open Wujekklawy opened 7 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

Eye of Seer

Stats: Increased day/night vision. Aura mana regen Aura bonus armor Aura bonus damage

Active: Vision Target: ground Cast range: map Grant's vision of selected area for your team. Vision Range: large Duration: medium Cooldown: long

Recipe: Observer ward Ring of bassilus Recipe

Staff of Visions

Stats: increased day/night vision

Aura bonus armor Aura mana regen Aura hp regen Spell amp damage

Passive: Vision of Death. Reveals nerby enemy heroes below x% hp. Radius: medium/large

Active: Greater vision Grant's vision of selected area for your team. Target: Ground Cast range: map Vision Range: medium/large Duration: medium Cooldown: medium/long

Recipe: Eye of Seer Aether Lance Oblivion Staff

Peeking Crown


+All Attributes +attack speed +armor +evasion +spell duration Aura bonus attack speed Aura health regen Aura mana regen Aura bonus armor Aura bonus damage Aura evasion

Passive: Peeking Changeing visions type from ground to fly.

Active: Staring Sacrifice flying vision for full vision on one enemy unit and apply debuffs. Not dispelable, can see invisible units. Grants true strike while attacking target. Target: Enemy. Range medium -100% evasion, on target (OT) -armor, OT -movement speed, OT -attack speed, OT Change vision type from Fly to Ground, on caster.

Recipe: Helm of the Dominator Solar Crest Eye of Seer

Additional informations:

General idea that took me to creating this items was that in every gamemod carry always get some fancy stuff but supports almost never get new items. So i created this items to help supports doing they role and also get help from heroes that are less value in late game, like Zeus for example. The "Eye of Seer" is mented to be early game item, like Bracers, but being more maded for getting support role more options, "Vision" ability gives opportunity to make more successful ganks or making safer aggressive warding. This is for obvious reasons more power to supports earlier parts of game. Staff of Visions is item specify to suports with main strength are spells, big benefit can be additional time and range for incantations like pugna's ultimate or shadow shaman shackles (from obvious reasons sand king should be excluded from gaining that additional seconds). This item is also good for nuker heroes what makes more opportunities to teams without pure support also have some sort of supporting item. Peeking crown is item for more tankiers supports like omniknight or undying, but also can be sometimes being build on others heroes like lycan or dragon knight with good benefits. Also i wanted to this two items to be different than just copy paste so i icluded different benefits from each other, but still keeping them connected to make recipes more believable so item that require an ward in recipe and other one also having ward in recipe to not being one that grant vision and other one summoning 7 hells to burn enemy. Abilities are maked way that both upgrades benefits different styles of supporting, staff is for supports that like to be away from center of fight and don't like being first line(like shadow shaman or pugna), staff would be very bad for support that like to be in center and be front liner (omni or undying are best examples) who can lead to battle, and for them instead of item that grant vision on things that are further better option is to them have flying vision(to balance purposes on cost of increased vision, for those who don't know what is ground type vision and what is fly type vision best example is balanar with axhs, with it he gaint flying vision in night)

Be sure that that items will be need to be balanced through time, it is not possible to tell how strong they exactly would be in proper match. There is just no other items to compare with but i forced myself to narrow the op <-> too weak ratio.

Feel free to make changes that would make them closer to your vision if you don't like something in them and still want to have something like that in game.

Ps. I not bothered to make some sort of lore to items excluding names (to be proper for item mechanic). So you can do whatever you want with lore of them.

Pss. Baumi will was displeased seeing large rable of numbers and sait to feel free reposting it without them. So here is it.

VoidsKeeper commented 7 years ago

A very big thank you for these ideas (also , thank you on the behalf of the support-players for caring for us ^_^ )

Now about the items:

Having an item giving bonus night/day vision is awesome , but I think it shouldn't stick to something so easily created (in other words , I don't think it should be for the "Eye of Seer" . It can definitely stay on the upgraded versions (or could be a separate item)). The auras seem fit on some items, but ,at the same time, I have a feeling they don't ( well , as you said , this needs discussion and testing :/ )

The active abilities are also neat , but , as you stated , should have a big CD (but, again - depends on the balance issues)

Vision of Death should not have a big radius (I think it should be just a tiny bit bigger than the normal dust AoE , if not the same (some might think it should be smaller)). The health "border" , imo, is gonna be ~15% (when hero's_hp < 15%, but that's just me)

Flying vision shouldn't be a thing , in my opinion (I'll note this down too , to bring it up on the meeting) since it could work out badly (people stealing stuff , messing with bossfights , etc. .

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@Voidskeeper it's obvious it need balanceing cuz i not seen anything like that in moba so it is hard to predict how strong it will be.

About vision of death i thinked about similar radios, maybe more like dusts and half, but ballance will show.

Flying vision i sugested to don't have 2 items that do exactly same thing just with different stats. To be honest, can you tell little more about your fears about it? I actually don't know what you exactly mean by stealing stuff or messing with bossfights. (in dota stealing items is a thing, R.I.P tranquiles in jungle, so i supposed you didn't mean that kind of stuff)

VoidsKeeper commented 7 years ago

I should apologize for the latter 😅 . I'm guessing, I was either inattentive with my thought process or sleepy and forgot how the boss arenas work (flying vision will work like it does with Roshan's pit, so this is fine). So it's fine (yet , of course, balance issues are a thing )

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@VoidsKeeper good to hear :) what meeting said about it? ;) (or is it top secret?)

VoidsKeeper commented 7 years ago

There hasn't yet been a meeting @Wujekklawy. It's scheduled this Sunday (last one was on the 11 of February)

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@VoidsKeeper oh, ok, i hope for the best for my ideas ;D

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@VoidsKeeper trash or cash?

VoidsKeeper commented 7 years ago

After discussing, it seems one of your items might become a consumable :O

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

0_o consumable? like wards? or like diffusal?

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@VoidsKeeper so what that item would look like?