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[Boss Idea] Hecatoncheires #220

Open AceXS2X opened 7 years ago

AceXS2X commented 7 years ago

After a few days of rethinking about this boss, its time to give my revised version of the multi-armed boss that I had suggested before. Also I would like to point out that the lore, boss fight itself, etc. can be changed what's important is that the mechanics are obvious and the concept of this boss.

First off, after reading his lore further Hecatoncheires is actually a suitable boss for Angel Arena because in his lore, he is a titan with 100 arms and 50 heads that guards the gates of hell. Since making a design for a boss with 100 arms and 50 heads seems too much, I decided to reduce the nuber of his arms to 12, and his heads to 11 (for reasons seen in his lore).

Update : Based on an evaluation, Since the TL;DR didn't do it's justice, I removed it completely Further explanation on the first phase Nerfed boss's abilities on the second phase Partially reworked his third phase


The arena just looks like the area before entering the gates of hell, probably has some angel and demon corpses and a tower in the middle with multiple demonic gas fumes.

phase 1 Basic concept


This boss fight has 3 Phases

Phase 1 Because in his lore he throws rocks and is called the giant of storms and hurricane, this phase he's going to do just that. He's going to throw rocks(most likely meatballs) and then finish with a giant hurricane that can be dodged by going into the eye of the hurricane. The boss will be on some platform or a pile of corpses of some kind where he is invulnerable also the rocks will be thrown around the arena and create a flaming pit that will burn you if you touch it and lasts until the end of phase 1 since he's throwing flaming rocks. Also when he's preparing the hurricane, it will push you around just like one of the previous boss that Baumi talked about with the paint just so players can somewhat understand what they need to do since they've done this before but they need to go to the center of the arena since the hurricane will deal massive damage if it has fully formed, it should be obvious as the center is the only part of the arena that isn't dark during his charge up to form the hurricane.(if this isn't obvious there should be something telling you to go there as well.)

This pic bellow is a simple layout of his hurricane attack, note that the white around the corners of the arena should be affected by the hurricane as well.

phase 1-end BTW the big red X is the boss.

Phase 2 After he uses the hurricane (which lasts for 1-2 seconds after its fully charged),he jumps down and you can start beating the shit out of him, however he hits pretty fast and also can blow away his enemies also muting them. He also has a charge that will damage you. He also has a more powerful form of fury swipes ( so you can't just use a tank to eat up all of his damage). Finally he will get more attack speed and cooldown reduction as his HP goes down(meaning the lower his health is, the more he will spam his abilities).

Phase 3 This phase in my opinion is the most interesting thing about this boss, when 20% or lower of his HP remains, he will unleash his rage and let out a roar that gives you a blademail debuff which will make you take 150% damage that you deal to him and this debuff will not go away for around 10 seconds with some time between each roar (after the debuff has ended), giving you a small window of opportunity to damage him. Also don't forget this skill's cooldown will be reduced the lower his HP is as well.

How to beat Attack him conservatively and also kite him around, you'll kill him... Eventually...

Remember about the demonic gas fumes in the arena ? Fun fact they make you get 100% miss chance and deals a lot of damage if you're in the gas. BTW this also affects the boss, thus baiting him to the gas fumes is the best and fastest way to beat him (maybe). However again, there's a catch which is that his blow ability makes the gas disappear and he can charge out of the gas as well. Also if it dissapears, it will be there again after some time has passed.


If you don't care about this shit, just skip Hecatoncheires and his brothers were one of the gatekeepers of hell after their assistance in the great war between the angels and the demons, their assistance was asked by the once almighty god Zeus before his descent to mortality. These "giants" of great storms and hurricanes had 100 arms and 50 heads that devastated the forces of the demons, their contribution to the war was rewarded by the angels by giving them their role as gatekeepers and were given domain in heaven for a few months every 10 years or so. However, this changed when the demons managed to ambush them, defeating them and rekindling the war between angels and demons, two of his brothers were killed during the ambush, as this wasn't bad enough for the giant, the angels were angered by this outcome and cut off most of his limbs only leaving him with 25 limbs, 2 legs, 12 arms, and 11 heads. The angels thought this should make him repent for his sin, unfortunately the angels were attacked by demons and in an unexpected twist, Hecatoncheires took the weapons that cut off his limbs and lunged forward, killing 11 angels and demons in his unyielding rage. Now his presence within this war is feared by both forces, a rouge element that can shift the balance of this war to either side. Hecatoncheires now resides on the broken gates of hell, slaying anyone or anything foolish enough to enter his domain with only one thing in his mind... Redemption.


To be honest, this version is more simplified than my initial idea while reading his lore. The lore I changed it up a bit so that it will fit the biblical and angel vs demons theme better. The numbers in his lore (25 and 11) was taken based on those numbers biblical meaning. Phase 1 isn't as unique but I might update it if I thought of anything else, also if anyone has a good idea for this phase, go ahead and write it in the comments. This revision is just some basic stuff, its going to take me a while to rethink some of the phases, especially phase 1 and 3. Idea Dump These are some things about this boss that I wasn't so sure about adding it in, feel free to suggest something about the implementation of these abilities as well. -Blademail debuff is temporarily paused if you have spell immunity. -Demonic gas prevents the boss from using his roar (while he's in it). -During the first phase, the dark parts of the arena can call down lightning at your hero's location forcing you to constantly be on the move. -His third phase will also darken the arena in a small area near the boss that will also call down lightning thus making you have to be near the boss which obviously you don't really want to do. -Moving his fury swipes passive to the third phase instead of the second phase.


Closing Remarks

I really apologize if this is too long to read, as well if this boss fight is too complicated, I hope that at least some of the ideas from this boss can make it but alas its not for me to decide. I hope you enjoy my idea for a boss in this game, all I can say is a simple thank you for your attention.

AceXS2X commented 7 years ago

204 , Initial Idea, this is the more revised version

OriginalHastur commented 7 years ago

That's a great idea I love it // I personally love things that go along with lore and stuffs ya know

warpdragon commented 7 years ago


I can tell you've put a lot of work into this idea and I want to give you the benefit of an honest review. As I understand it, this is essentially what you've described, in purely mechanical terms:


  1. Throws rocks.
  2. Finishes phase by creating damaging zone, forcing players to the center of arena.


  3. He jumps down.
  4. Has knockback/mute/damage ability.
  5. Has charge causing DoT.
  6. Has Fury Swipes
  7. Has Huskar style AS/CDR boost the lower his HP is.


  8. At 20% HP, quickly regens up to 50% HP
  9. Gets blademail, returning 150% damage until you kill him or regens back to 50%.
  10. If he regens back to 50%, phase 3 will cycle over again.


AceXS2X commented 7 years ago

Noted, and I'll probably make some changes tomorrow cause its really late right now where I'm at, phase 1 I can explain further, and I'll try to make some changes to phase 3 as well. Also thanks for your evaluation.

Update I recently just revised some of it , but its just some basic stuff and more clearer view on his first stage as well. I don't expect this to be final and need some time to think as well.

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

It seems a bit convoluted. It charges like charger, creates unpassable terrain like azazel, creates damaging areas like Havres... then there are the fumes and the fury swipes etc. The roar in phase 3 makes him less interactive - you just get these 10 seconds where the only option is to run around, and which are probably hard to intuit. I like the idea, but it needs work.