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[BOSS] Master Vampire by Chewy316 #224

Closed Wujekklawy closed 7 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

Lord Balmont, Master Vampire

The Dark King stand again on earth to conquer it again. Maybe yet weak but soon in full power.


Passively morf to his stronger version evry x second of fight, last y seconds. This increases both types of damage dealt, incised life steal. Armor stays same.

HIS attaks have lifesteal and spell life steal

He's base attack is AoE in front of him in 2 shapes, cone and rectangular(width and long)

Boss after taking certain damage dashes to random enemy stunning him and draining percentage of his health to interpretation by dealing damage equal to max hp of target. When preparing to it boss is weaker and not able to attack. (can be nerfed if necessary)

Boss have ability to deal aoe magic damage around him with also debuff enemies around for duration of fight. Preferably apply minus armor and lowers damage, can stack.

ARENA: The Arena should look like a square room, with an uphill throne near the top.

Additional: On arena day/night cycle could be simulated to make night when he is in stronger version and day when i weaker.

Some abilities that have light theme like kotol iluminate or omni heal could deal more damage

I adding this because original one was closed because of too much flavor and all three bosses was in one post. I rewritten them and some i did little rework on boss fight. It's not mine idea and i don't want to steal ideas, only what i do is give them chance to shy.

Orginal post: #189