OpenAngelArena / suggestions

A repository for tracking suggestions from the community
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Decrease stats given by item upgrades #322

Closed VTVTVT closed 6 years ago

VTVTVT commented 6 years ago

To prevent excessive snowballing.

zelding commented 6 years ago

What are your issues? Provide examples, and suggestions for solutions; don't just spam your petty concerns in threads

VTVTVT commented 6 years ago

I have no issues. I just want to improve the game I love. But if I am not wellcome here - then tell it openly. Dont just spam your passive-agressive comments.

zelding commented 6 years ago

By definition your post is an Issue. One half line of text is not an explanation, it is spam. You can't possibly imply that all upgraded items should be modified, or you are out of your mind. Please read the Guidelines, give some time to think of your suggestions/issues, form an opinion, add examples, suggest solutions. Maybe look around the other peoples suggestions, maybe you'll notice some differences.

Haganeko commented 6 years ago

As zelding noted, this is not exactly actionable.