OpenAngelArena / suggestions

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Kaya Elemental Upgrades #326

Open nickanono opened 6 years ago

nickanono commented 6 years ago

There's an effect that i'd think would be interesting for a certain type of casters. This effect is if the player lands 3 spells and/or attacks on an opponent in a row, strike the opponent with lightning dealing dmg. The purpose of this is to help spell casters with either short cooldowns on spells, like Zeus, or to help spellcasters with a 3+spell combo to add extra damage, like Lina. This is better then a spell crit because if u randomly die to 5 crit spells it feels bad. It's also easier to balance because you can put a cooldown on the effect.

The other affect could be a fire based effect that would add a DoT to the players spells. This would help sustained spellbased fighters. Maybe spellcaster bristleback could be a thing?????? This would also help casters kill bosses and tanks because the dmg could be X%current/max hp as dmg with a cap or this may be op for bosses. A base dmg would still be cool.

This next affect would just add a movement slow on all spells. This could help supports be more utility based and could also help casters with no cc secure their kill.

The last one is an earth based theme adding an effect where it would disrupt the earth near the target of a spell doing dmg/s while standing in it or lowering their resistances

Haganeko commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the submission. A few questions: What build variety does this introduce? Seems like some of these items would be a no brainer on some heroes (especially the lightning one). What purpose do these items serve? Some of these items have unclear use case.