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Goblet of Pandemonium (ITEM) #332

Open prodigiousking opened 6 years ago

prodigiousking commented 6 years ago


This was intended to be a chaotic and fun, semidefensive, teamfight item that should be purchased when your enemies have a powerful magical lineup, but that really doesnt have much of an effect on the right clicking aspect of the game.

All stats/numbers are just there for example and are of course subject to change, all names and lore is just there for sample aesthetic

BUILDUP (for example only)

 Cost.               4000

 Helm of Ironwil.    1900
 Cloak.              550
 Point booster.      1200
 Recipe.             1350

PASSIVE BONUSES (for example only)

 + 5 Armor
 + 20% Magic resistance 
 + 300 Health
 + 300 Mana

ACTIVE ( name: arcane flux)

 Cooldown 60 seconds

A slosh of wine is released applying a debuff to all enemies hit, I honestly have no idea how the targeting would work other than it being AOE, I was maybe thinking it could be in a radius around the caster like poison nova or in a cone shape like ranged whirling axes.

I do think the ability has the potential to be strong and thus the cast radius, cast range, and cast point should make this item require some skillfulness to hit a lot of people with it.

Update. I have decided on a new targeting system. I have seen it before in a custom roshan fire breath. It is an aoe that sweeps across its radius rather than filling the whole aoe with a hitbox at once. The targeting itself would be click and drag in a circular motion (inspired by vector targeting). With this targeting you could realy quickly target a small cone or if you wanted to target the entire area around you. I imagine the casting/rotation speed to be medium, so you would be vulnerable if you decided to try and cover a large area but it is not too easy to avoid. I call this casting system sprinkler casting since it reminds be of lawn sprinklers spraying across their path.


 7 second duration 

 15% magic damage reduction on affected units

 50% chance to missfire their spell, single target spells randomly select a new valid target(ie in      range, not magic immune)  

 (You could make it so the spells have the capability misfire on allies or vice-versa for buffs, but this might be a bit strong or broken)

 7% chance to fizzle (magic miss chance), ability is canceled upon cast goes on cooldown for half of the normal value and consumes half of the mana cost

LORE (for example only)

I know lore is not necessary but it just came to me like this so I put it down

" In order to keep his guests drunken quarrels from destroying his estate, Rhûne the sorceror king had all of his wine imbued with peculiar antimagical properties"


There are a lot of things that are scaleable for core upgrades. The buildup is tentative though I sort of like it. I think the effect is potentially strong not fundamentally broken and thus can be balanced. I do not think it is too strong because it simply has a lot of counter plays, 1 it is purgeable, 2 dodgeable, 3 outplayable (if there is only 1 valid target in range there is no chance of a missfire, think shadow demon soul cacther with your single target aoe), 4 if worse comes to worse you can just not cast any single target or any spells making it a non obligatory silence.

Also if you allowed it to target the caster and/or the casters allies it might get a bit more unfair but it would be really funny to see the lina accidentally laguna blade her position 5 and obliterate them. Yeah definitely a bad idea.


Thank you for reading my entry I hope you liked it. Feedback is appreciated. I also accidentally figured out how to format there requests really well.


prodigiousking commented 6 years ago

How to edit labels?