OpenAngelArena / suggestions

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Shrines/Towers in angel arena? (Game mechanic) #334

Open prodigiousking opened 6 years ago

prodigiousking commented 6 years ago

I have long pondered the idea of adding a bit of map control in open angel arena.

I would not like towers as they are in dota right now in open angel arena however with a few tweaks I have come up with something that I find quite an entertaining concept that actually reminded me a lot of shrines.

The goal of adding these shrine towers are to very mildly discourage early superagression. Currently I feel as if early agression and fountain camping is without any risk and thus is the only proper way to fight/play the game. The towers would help maintain balance in the fighting vs farming playstyle. And reauire that early hyperagression be well coordinated and not just something you can easily do.

The shrine tower would/could include the following

 Invulnerability until a certain minute mark or permanently
 Vision over the very nearby area but not true sight.
 A very small /minor armor, magic resist, attack damage, and regen buff in the near vincinity
 The former buff would only count when an enemy is nearby and not be useful for farming 
 The shrine active ability.
 The stigma that all bottles used in melee radius of the shrine have their heal x1.5

Fianlly one other thought I entertained and thought would be cool is if the orotection aura of the tower were actually upgraded everytime you clear the farming cave. So if you are stuck in the fountain you can clear the farming cave to gain a bit more fighhting advantage other than just the gold that you gained. Idk how the tower would intersct sith the current "comeback aura" you have but I honestly have never felt the affects of said comeback aura.

As for placement of the towers I am unsure but I was thinking 2 on each side sort of near the border of each side but still leaving the very middle camps and middle area completely disputable.

Idk if it matches the vision of OAA but I thought I would throw it out there.

arrowpack commented 6 years ago

This seems realy cool. Altough i wouldnt make the bottles heal more in that area, because ppl would just come to that place for using their bottles. It replaces the fountain a bit. But the idea for anti-agression schrines is very cool! Btw im not a developer, just a kid trying to help ;)