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[Item] Right click item ideas #348

Open OmarAtieh opened 6 years ago

OmarAtieh commented 6 years ago

Just some right click item ideas, hopefully you could find some of them useful

1- Ying & Yang Blessing

Boosts damage by percentage of lowest stat

2- Mark of the mage

Stacking buff against an enemy with a limit that grants spell amplification against that target

3- Lycan's fangs

stacking wound negative buff on target that applies some movement slow (up to a cap based on number of hits) , when it reaches a certain number based on stats resistance it applies fatal wounds (high dot for short duration)

4- Berserker's totem

Wearer is more susceptible to damage but deals amplified attack damage with increased damage as HP goes down Item should grant some damage + regeneration
(active toggle: user is susceptible to even more damage but gains attack speed and movement speed bonus)

5- Disruptor's war hammer (alternative to mkb) Applies 0.01 silence on attack (chance ?!), builds up X charges and releases it in an AOE (for some duration) slightly slowing enemies/creeps down and dealing some DOT, (enemies caught in the disruption field cannot blink ?)

6- The unstoppable force Item grants movement speed bonus around last hit target that lasts for X duration, consecutive hits grant user temporarily increased status resistance (active part: charge towards the direction of the target (up to some distance) applies some damage + slow to units hit with charge)

7- The Trueshot Bow Slows attack speed, adds some range (for ranged heroes), chance to activate true shot giving bonus attack and guaranteed hit on attack