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[Hero]Banshee #354

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Agi, ranged. [base model suggestion, Drow ranger, and yes... it is Sylvanas :), but reworked ;)]

Q [Black Arrow] apply debuff, reduce armor, if unit with that debuff applied dies create corrupted image of that unit (stronger illusion with longer duration).

attack modifier, can be autocasted, also work on enemy heroes.

W [Projection] Short (~500 units) and narrow cone AoE, also shoots projectile in straight line, deal damage and reduce movement speed greatly for short time. Can be used again for blinking to place where projectile is.

can use drow gust cast animation, projectile don't deal damage or do anything itself, it is just for coding and incanting where would blink to.

E [Corrupted seed] straight lane, narrow, moves slowly, roots first enemy that got hit. deal dmg per second. stops on first damaged unit

R [Possession] "infest" enemy unit and take control of it, have shorter duration on heroes. short range.

its primerly meant to affect heroes so should have decent duration on them possessed hero can be damaged by both teams and can only attack his allays and neutrals, can't damage banshee teammates.


(i can write Lore and flavored spell description)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago