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[Hero]Fire Elemental #367

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Short range, int, high starting health, high starting attack speed, long attack animation, starting damage and damage gain.[around 31-43]

attack in cone AoE. Work's like a flame thrower, animation don't disappear between attacks if not interrupted, switching target that is in range don't interrupt it. Deal 100% damage to every non allay unit in area. Secondary targets are treated as primary. Lifesteal work only on primary target, Spellsteal work on secondary ones. Lose AoE damage when dragon lance is activated. Also have different animation from normal attack. (For avoiding glitches) Dragon lance increase only attack length.

Q [Fire Split] [Ground target only] Long range projectile, deals splash damage around first non allay hit.

splashed damage also apply ignite.

W [Oil Path] long range small AoE, slows all non allay units. pierce magic immunity. When unit with Ignite debuff walks on it it's not slowing anymore, instead deals damage over time.

ignited apply stack of ignite every 0,25s on every non allay standing on it, countdown is separate for every unit and starts when get damage from that ability.

E [Risen Temperature] [Passive] Deal damage to enemies/neutrals around hero. Grants Hp regeneration for allays. Blinds enemy/neutrals. Blind is stronger on creeps.

on max lvl blind heroes miss around 25% attacks. Caster also benefits from hp regeneration. Evasion don't stack with radiance.

R [Vulcano] Creates immortal building that tosses projectiles in random places around, deal damage and stuns hit unis. Create Ignited Oil Path in every place projectile landed.

can use meteor model and animation as projectiles.

Aghanim Scepter upgrade: [Risen Temperature] When ultimate is active hp regen is incised based on Ignite stacks. [Vulcano] Increase spell area and twice number of projectiles.

Hero Passive [Ignite] Spells that deal damage and normal attack apply debuff on enemy that deal damage over time, stacks with itself. Easy dispel. Medium duration. (~7s)

[Eg. Damage counter: Ignite_damagepersecond = Ignite_basedamage + x^Ignite_stackvalue + (Enemy_mainattribute_value : Enemy_Level) When pork from rightclick work like attack modificator with 100% chance to prock. Have priority over others so items like mjolonir or maelstrom will never prock.(Hopefully)


Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago