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[Hero]Gunslinger #369

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Ranged, Agi.

Q [Steady Aim] [Physical] [Pierce spell immunity] Starts attacking target with basic attacks dealing x% more damage of cost of attack speed. Moving when active still attacks target if he is in range. On higher lvls give second attack every tick, second attack have chance to miss. Cannot be dispelled, stunning or making target not attackable for basic attack doesn't dispel effect. can only dispel manually by caster [Q ability is replaced by ability to stop it. go on cooldown when duration ended or dispelled, can't dispel within 1s from activation, including manualy. Dying is counted as going out of range] or dispels when target is out of range. When target in in range but cannot attack it will be attacked when it will be possible and counting is reset. Have long duration.

i recommend to give animation for walking in 8 directions so it will avoid moon walking or attacking with back, caster should face to target for duration. Additional attacks work similarly to echo sabre

valve is "stealing" my ideas....

W [Flash bang] AoE, Throws projectile that "explodes" after ~1,5s on lvl 1. "Explosion" have big AoE ~1115, every non allay unit caught in it is blinded and cant use targetable spells[including ground target and selftargeting] and targetable items[including selftargeting]. Blinded unit have x% chances to miss on attack. Duration of effect depends on distance from center of explosion. min on lvl 1 duration is ~0.25s max duration on max lvl ~5s

E [Spray and Pray] [Physical] Cone AoE, Deals damage all of non allays in that area, slows. Can move while using it. when used on target will always face to it, even if it get out of range up to 1500 units. when used on ground will always face that direction. Cone with damage move with caster and always is in front of him. Damage is x + y% attack damage where y is lower than 100

for visualizing how that would work same ability have hero from Heroes of the Storm, i think it was Righnar(or whatever he was called).

R [Quick Scope] [Pure] Cast animation at max lvl ~0,75s before and after shooting projectile. Deals x damage plus y% attack damage. Have n% chance to do critical strike. Shoots projectile in straight lane, pierce, every next unit hit take ~25% less damage than previous. Long range. Very short cooldown , have ~3 stacks that regenerate a while.

Visually cast animation can look like taking rifle while crouching, shooting and reversing animation of withdrawing rifle.


Funny thing for end, i got struck by idea while playing counter-strike global offensive :D, any similarities "not" intended xD

(i can write Lore and flavored spell description)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago