OpenAngelArena / suggestions

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[Hero]Huntsman #370

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago


Q [Boomerang] Throws projecktail in straight lane, when projecktail will travel max distance returns dealing less damage but slows. Deals damage. Cast animation don't interrupt movment. Projecktail returns to place where caster would be if he would moving in straight lane [if stands then lands little behind where it was casted]. When picked up or caught cd is refreshed.

W [Bear Trap] [Have stacks] [Ground target only] [Pierce magic immunity] [Large cast distance] "Tosses" projecktail that create Bear Trap in place where landed. Trap needs time to arm itself [almost instant on max lvl], that time is reduced thro lvling abbility. Deals instantly pure type damage, roots for long time (~7s, max lvl). Projecktail and unarmed trap is visible for enemy.

can't throw one on top of another, untrigered don't desapire. After x seconds without trigering deals twice damage but doesn't roots anymore. (~30s)

E [Weak Spot] [Passive] Evry x attack deals additional damage. Splashes, bonus damage based on main attribute. Shortly stuns target

around every 5th attack, splashed damage also affect target. Deals around 300% more base damage.

R [Unleash Hounds] [Large AoE] Create up to 5 invincible units that will travel to enemy heroes and drag them to caster. Hounds live only x seconds from spawn. Hounds spawn one per enemy hero. Affected heroes are revealed and cannot become invisible for short time after ability ends. Applies debuff that make affected hero lose health by x% of his current hp. Debuff lasts x seconds after death of hounds. Don't affect ilusions. Can be purged off from both root and pull. #Can target invisible units.

Forced movement is applied on enemies that are afected by abblity and are further from caster than ~300 units. When enemy will be pulled to that range or be in it when affected he will not be pulled anymore however it will be rooted. When caster walk away enough to hero be out ot that AoE it will be pulled again. Forced movement speed around 240. hp of that units should be invisible.

Aghanim Scepter upgrade: [Unleash Hounds] Doubles number of hounds and debuff now deal damage based on max hp.

Therefore spawn two hounds per hero instead of one, when affected by two hounds pulling speed is 75% faster.


Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago


Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago


Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago
