OpenAngelArena / suggestions

A repository for tracking suggestions from the community
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[Hero]Leshy #371

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Ranged, Int

Q [Chilly Wind] Rectangular long spreading AoE, slows evry enemy that was in the way.

W [Mistic Creature] [Passive] Have chance to cause fear when attacking owner of this abbility.

E [Metamorfosis] [Toggled] Morf in to one of three animals. Wolf [fast movment speed], Bear [High attack damage], Eagle-Owl [biger vision range and can pass unpassable terrain]

Toggling work like Power Treads, can be togled when animation is going to skip unwanted phase. If wold have problems with working properly can be seperated as difrent skills. Morfs have set % ammount of health in that order Bear>Wolf>Eagle-Owl

R [Will of Forest] All Surrounded non hero units will folow caster and attack evry is enemy.

work also on enemy summons, units under this effeckt last until will be killed or duration ends. When dies give 75% exp and gold to caster.


(i can write Lore and flavored spell discription)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago