OpenAngelArena / suggestions

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[Hero]Lightborn #372

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Mele, int, high hp, high str per lvl, low int, high base dmg, long spell duration high mana costs. [visualy hevly armmored with hammer and shield]

Q [Spell Hammer] [Target only] Throws projecktail at target, stuns and deal inital and over time damage both small AoE, deals full damage initial to non allays projecktail goes t, stun duration max for x seconds. Disarms caster until projecktail will return to him, spell can be canceled, canceling while projecktail is mid air will force it to return to caster dealing full initial damage to non allays on the way dealing x% more damage, can damage same target twice, damage are is bigger than projecktail [so will be possible to deal more damage to target if disaled before stuning him, stunned unit takes initial damage only once, over time damage is dealt only for stun duration and full duration of over time dmg is same as initial damage but with bigger AoE]. Canceling spell when target get stunned will remove stun and projecktail will "return" to caster dealing initial damage to evry non allay in way [return damage don't get incriced if target got stunned with it]

visualy projecktail is weapon.

W [Arcane Armmor] [Acktive] Target get's +Armmor and x% more health also incrise damage of target for x attacks.

E [Spell Frackture] After acktivation get x% magic ressistance for x seconds and reflect first spell to caster.

visualy shield can start shineing, refleckt work for spells that am aghs work on and some items like, dagon, bloodthorn and orchid.

R [Magic implosion] After acktivation creates "symbols" where enemy heroes stands, ~200 AoE. After 1s-1.5s deal high damage and stuns any non allay that stands on it.

"symbols" are visible to both teams.

Aghanim Scepter upgrade: Enchance right click damage of nerby allays with magic damage that scale's with int. [Spell Hammer] Caster don't get dissarmed for part of duration

spell amp also incrice it. [Spell Hammer] visualy look like normal weapon but with changed textures (and maybe partickles) to partly transparent and spectral looking, lasts for like 30% of spell duration.


(i can write Lore and flavored spell discription)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago