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[Hero]Purity Magician #378

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Ranged, Int, very long cooldowns, nuker.

Q [Magic Bullet] Sends unavoidable projectile at enemy. Deals damage. Base projectile Grants additional projectile for every 2 caster lvls. Delay between projectiles is around 0,1s. Only strong dispels like eul or phase shift.

Projectiles does not travel straight and starts traveling from random angle between -45 & 45 where 0 is straight in front of hero. Projectiles are treated independently and deal damage separately from each other.

W [Invisibility] Makes target invisible for x seconds. Can self-target.

E [Charm] [Pierce magic immunity] Target cannot attack or target caster, for duration ground-target spell's don't affect caster if they was casted by target. Heavily slows target while he is close to caster.(~10s duration)

R [Magical Cannon] long rectangular AoE, global range, don't deal any damage to creeps. Deal damage +x% max hp of hiten hero. Pierce everything. Don't work on Bosses. Don't grant vision. When reached Spell Amp higher than x% (~30%) have additional blast in to same place. Long cast animation (~2,5s)

Width ~200 long ~ 1.5 map length(can be longer by for what?). Can be a skillshot or "instant" in all area.

D [Izaak Storm] [Targetable] Damage dealt is same as Magic Bullet damage. Sends projectile at random enemy in front on caster. Deals damage. Grants 2 additional projectiles for every caster lvl. Only strong dispels.

same radios like Q, cone degrees are same as in Q, hits randomly enemies in that cone. Walking out of that cone don't remove risk to be targeted walking in also don't make from you potential target. Can't target units in fog of war.

Aghanims Scepter upgrade: Gives Izaak Storm Ability & Spell Amp. [Charm] can target friendly heroes. Grants additional magic resistance up to 75% and slows attack speed of enemies attacking him instead of making him untargetable. Slows movement speed by same amount as used on enemy.

Hero Passive: [Arcane Fever] When not enough mana for spell you can cast it paying with health. Can't deny yourself, when hp is lower than mana cost cannot cast.


Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago