OpenAngelArena / suggestions

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[Hero]Psychic #379

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

ranged, int

Q [Mental Blade] Wide projectile, deals damage, pierce, every next target after first get reduced damage. Very short cooldown.

W [Force Barrier] Create impassable wall. Shape depends on player. Spell animation depends how long it will be. Shape is created by holding left click and drawing it. Need time to create so it will be almost impossible to lock someone in 100 radius cage. Lvl'ing upgrades length, creating time and shorter recover. Mana spent depends on length.

Spell don't have cooldown but have stacks that recover over time. One stack is enough to "cover" 2 length units, lvl 1 should have around 75 stacks and max around 900. Mana is drained for every stack spent. For Programmer: Similar mechanic have storm spirit's ultimate so it can give some hints for implementation. Visual indicator how much stacks left instead of confusing numbers on Buff/Debuff tab it could use modificated Buff/Debuff timer that would decrease while spending and increase when gaining them. In spell decryption preferable would be to give max length instead of stacks to not confuse with too much unnecessary numbers.

W if not possible to implement create bend wall that depends how far it was casted, further it is longer and less bend will be, max bend around 65% of circle. In that version have longer cast animation but wall appear instantly after casting.

E [Mind Attack] Stuns target and yourself. Long duration. If target dies under it's effect caster gets purged from all negative effects and cooldowns will be refreshed. If caster dies target still is under effect.

doesn't refresh ultimate, bloodstone, etc. mainly stuff that tinker cant refresh

R [Warp] AoE Pulls units in to center. Deals damage that also depends of how much units pulled.

Aghanim Scepter upgrade: [Mental Blade] Secondary targets gets full damage [Force Barrier] Units under magic or spell immunity cannot walk through barrier anymore.


(i can write Lore and flavored spell description)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago