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[Hero]Telepath #388

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Intelligence, melee, low starting armor, low starting hp, low strength and hp gain.

Q [Mental Cannon] [Physical] [Ground target] Create projectile that deal damage and push hit units away [~250], work on neutrals and heroes. Pierce every unit that hit, around 600 range. Pushed units cannot pass unpassable terrain like cliffs or trees, they are instantly stopped. If neutral unit hit unpassable terrain it dies. If hero did that it get dramatically slowed movement speed and medium attack speed slow, also get additional damage that depends on distance pushed away[higher distance lower damage]. Ancients and bosses are treated like heroes. Effect also tigers if hit projectile from W.

if pushed unit hit disruptor kinetic field or earthshaker wall is treated as it hit unpassable terrain, same for other similar spells.

W [Air Pull] [Ignore magic immunity] [Ground target] Create rectangle projectile in place that spell was cast. Projectile always move to caster with max speed, after 300 units moved projectile disappear. Every unit that get hit by it is moved with projectile. Slows enemy and neutrals, increase movement speed of allays. Caster also can be affected by this spell. Don't affect illusions in any way. Have priority above every movement from any source.

projectile around 2 units long and 200 wide. Projectile itself its only for programing purpose and should not be visible, for indicating spell effect should use custom animation. [caster don't turn to point that spell is used, excluding situation when point is outside range]

E [Brain Grab] [Pure] [Don't ignore magic immunity] [Enemy Hero Target only] [Incantation] Stuns and burn target mana. Damage depends on target intelligence and mana burned. Also grants true strike on target.

Damage = Base_value + Mana_burnn [additional damage from mana burn only if any mana got burned in that moment] Mana_burn = Base_mana_burn_value(Intelligencex + Max_manay%)

R [Psi crush] [Physical] Rectangularish AoE in front of hero. Move every enemy/neutral unit to center. Damage depends on units caught.

Damage = Base_value + Units_number*x. should deal less damage per unit than earthshaker's ultimate.


(i can write Lore and flavored spell description)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago