OpenAngelArena / suggestions

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[Hero]Terracota Warrior #389

Open Wujekklawy opened 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Melee, Agi

Q [Swipe] Deal cone aoe damage to and behind target. Melee range.

W [Hard Skin] [Passive] Steal x% enemy damage on every attack on you. Stacks.

E [Stasis] Get Immune on everything for x seconds. Cannot move, attack, use spells or items when active. Not dispelable. Have delay between activation and gaining effect.[At max lvl is instant]

when in Stasis cannot be healed or get mana from allays.

R [Forgotten Army] [Enemy Hero target only] Stun target and enemy heroes around him -> dash to it -> create illusions on secondary targets -> Attack target dealing damage, illusions also starts attacking theyre targets but deal less damage, right click damage affect damage dealt. When active targets cannot be moved by anything. Cast duration(first 3 phases no longer than 0.75s) (ask questions cuz you will be have probably a lot)

Visually i imagine that as illusions rise from ground and starts holding enemy heroes then another ones raises when caster is dashing then new ones and hero starts rapidly attack targets. When duration ends illusions falls apart (somewhat like death animation of tiny).


(i can write Lore and flavored spell description)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago