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Hero Concept - Amulza (Edited updated value suggestions) work in progress #397

Open horrscht opened 6 years ago

horrscht commented 6 years ago


Amulza sends Pheromones out followed by insects in a cone which stick on enemies (debuffing and damaging them) and on allies (healing and buffing them)

Typ: Magic Spell Immunity: -Debuff can be applied, but won´t have an effect as long as the immunity lasts (bkb or any kind of purge can despell the debuff, if activated while the debuff is activ) -Buff isn´t affected by immunity

Cast Animation:0.2+0.4 Travel Distance:750 Start Radius:150 End Radius:250 Travel Speed:1150 Duration:4 Cooldown:12/11/10/9/8/7 Cost:100/115/135/160/240/500 Interval:1

Hit on an enemy - Debuff Damage:15/30/45/60/120/240 + 1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%/3%/4% max HP Debuff: Reduces Healing by 30%/40%/50%/60%/70%/80%

Hit on an ally - Buff Healing:20/40/60/80/140/250 + 1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%/3%/4% max HP Buff:Armor Bonus 4/6/8/12/18/30

-First instance occurs when spell is applied -Can be applied to non Hero units

Can be upgraded by Aghanim´s Scepter:

Additional abillity:Outbrake Cast Animation:0 Cooldown:18

Purges debuffs from allies Damages and heals for 100% remaining duration Increases duration by 3

-Purge is applied first -Duration increases after burst damage/heal is calculated


Amulza transforms her body into a cocoon, ejecting a part of herself with a swarm of insects to the closest ally or enemy. While her body is transformed she is invulnerable and enemies around the cocoon are slowed the closer they are. After leaving the cocoon she gains magic resistance. When her swarm is active, she can reactivate "Q" to keep moving in any direction. If she can´t find a host or sticks in one for longer than 2s, the ability ends early and she returns to her body.

Cocoon Cast Animation:0.15 Radius:625 Cooldown:12 Duration:4/5/6/7/8/9 Duration without Swarm:1 Cost:120/140/160/180/350/600

Slow:80% center -> 20% outer radius Duration:2

Magic Resistance: 30%/40%/50%/60%/70%/80% Duration:3

Swarm Cast Animation:0.4 Travel Distance:750 Start Radius:150 End Radius:150 Travel Speed:1150 Cooldown:1

-Cocoon can be activated prevented from acting -After 0.5 (not affected by CDR) Amulza can reactivate Cocoon to end it early -Her Q doesn´t have a manacost during Cocoon -If no target for the swarm is in range Amulza can activate it and if a potential target steps in range the swarm gets released -Cocoon doesn´t prevent healing or receiving buffs -The cooldown starts after the ability ends -The Slow persists after leaving the area for its duration -Slow Radius 250=80%, 250-500=40%, 500-625=20% -Swarm affect is the debuff/buff from Q and interacts with upgraded Aghanims effect -The Swarm infest the last Hero it would hit spreading its affect to all units it travels through -Units hit by the swarm can´t have multiple instances of buffs/debuffs from it, applying it again refreshes the duration to its maximum


From time to time, while not being in her cocoon, clouds of Insects leave Amulza to help her in battle with blinding the target. Activating Cocoon refreshes Hive.

Passive Target Unit

Cast Animation:0.4 Range:650/700/750/800/850/900 Travel Speed:1350 Interval:12/11/10/9/8/7 Duration:2

Blind Reduces Vision to 250 Can´t target units further away than 250 Miss chance 80%

-Can be canceled with any kind of purge -Gets blocked by magic immunity -Affected hero is able to use ground targeted spells -Affected hero is able to benefit from team vision -Hive is affected by cooldownreduction -Hive activates while prevented from acting

R:Queens Cell

Amulza commands termites around the cocoon, herself or the position her swarm is active, to roote enemies in place, slowing their attackspeed and heal herself per successful hit

Cast Animation:0.3 Radius Cocoon:625 Radius : 500 Duration:1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 Cooldown:90/80/70/60/40/30 Cost:110/190/290/400/650/1100 Attackspeed slow:20/30/50/100/170/250 Heal: 5%/6%/7%/10%/12%/14% max hp



10 +6 Armor - +250HP 15 +1s to Pheromones - +150Cast Range 20 Cocoon applies 1.5 roote - +1%more Pheromones Heal/DMG 25 Hive bounces 1 time - Enemies affected by Pheromones are slowed by 30%

As basemodel i thought about Dark Willow. The model could be adjusted same as Juggernaut was the base for Shohei. I would love to work with a Designer for the designs and particles, I already have a lot of ideas to make the concept work. I hope you enjoyed it so far. The numbers are all work in progress, I just wanted to give an example , please feel free to leave suggestions or thoughts about Amulza.

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Check out this #304 , try to rewrite it way that is shown there, you need to be ore specific, Way that is now will just end up with one big missunderstanding. Noone will know what you wanted to that hero be and how it suposed to work. Just work a little on that and maybe you will be haveing a chance to get that implemented. As it is now noone will even concider it, sorry but its true.

horrscht commented 6 years ago

Did you used the doc?

horrscht commented 6 years ago

"The numbers are all work in progress, I just wanted to give an example" mostly so people have something to imagaine or test the concept instead without thinking about statistics for two hours.

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

@horrscht .txt ;)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

anyway, gr8 job, i'm not sure about numbers tho, #143 go to the comments there

horrscht commented 6 years ago

@Wujekklawy Im not claiming on those numbers, but from numbers in generell you can imagine how the spell is intended, pushed in a direction. Instead on describing it with words I explained it with numbers. those who are intrested can better imagine how its supposed to get used/interacts etc. Nothing is set in stone. I also try to be a designer for games, from the creative kind of way. Its just better for me to get the stuff i try to get released be as detailed as possible without confusing someone. Its not just "an idea" its a full concept.

horrscht commented 6 years ago

Also I will try to make some painting for visuals, even on the risk no one cares about Amulza. Its just an experience and practice for me. Sadly the drawings will be on real paper (still uploaded tho).

horrscht commented 6 years ago

EDIT: Made clear to explain that Amulza has to return to the location she left her cocoon after her W ends. Also keep in mind her CD starts AFTER the ability ended.

Adjusted cooldown from her Aghanim´s (Outbreak) and Cocoon (W) Adjusted cost from Pheromones (Q)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

I spended too mutch time with mines mate xD i started like a year ago with them, a lot of changing aswell, i just waiting to someone pin out some flaws in them, but seems noone care to read them