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New Hero Idea- "Wild Woman" (WIP) #398

Open KaoticKanine opened 6 years ago

KaoticKanine commented 6 years ago


A melee agility hero who is female (since the current roster is still a massive sausage fest) and utilizes abilities based on animals. Think "Vixen" of the DC comics as a Dota hero basically. Her main "gimmick" is her passive, which functions similarly to Power Treads in that it can be toggled to boost to one of the three main attributes but influences her even more beyond that


Q: Bestial Leap- Ground targeted ability that has the hero leap over to the selected location. Max range 800 and ignores terrain (can be used to maneuver over trees and cliffs). Bestial Leap has additional effects depending on the active "Spiritual Attunement". Gorilla has a stun in a 350 AoE radius at the end of the leap, which does minor damage. Tiger replaces the stun with a mild movement speed debuff to stricken enemies and does greater damage. Raven increases the maximum range of Bestial Leap by 400 and deals a good amount of magic damage during and at the end of the leap (the end of the leap dealing much more of that magic damage).

W: Wild Strike- An active ability with very different effects depending on the active "Spiritual Attunement". Gorilla has the next few right-click attack deal a bash and a significant movement slow, going into a rather lengthy cooldown when all hits have been made. Tiger turns the ability into an AoE with a 235 radius that deals good damage and inflicts "Bleed" on stricken enemies, bleed being a stacking debuff that slows movement speed and deals physical damage per second, both effects getting stronger with more stacks. "Tiger Wild Strike" has cooldown charges, so while it can be used multiple times at once, one must be careful not to expend them too quickly. And finally, Raven turns this ability into a ranged skillshot; having "Wild Woman" toss a small group of multiple tiny projectiles manifesting as black feathers in the chosen direction. The feather projectiles are independent of each other, so one side of the "projectile group" could hit a target but the other side could miss and continue down the directed path, which an important detail as the feather projectiles inflict a debuff on stricken enemies that slows movement speed and lowers magic resistance, the effects being stronger the more projectiles hit a given enemy. "Raven Wild Strike" has a much shorter cooldown than the other variants. Each version of Wild Strike has their own cooldown, completely independent of each other (think Troll Warlord's "Whirling Axes" before they were given their own separate slots) and Wild Strike is in Tiger version by default. Also, Wild Strike is leveled up separately from Spiritual Attunement despite being dependent on it

E: Spiritual Attunement- Passive, can be toggled to switch between the three "attunements". Gorilla grants bonus Strength, Armor, and Magic Resistance. Tiger, the default attunement, grants bonus Agility, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed. Raven grants bonus Intelligence and Spell Amp. Three second cooldown when switching attunements.

R: Manifest Spirit- Transformation spell, "Wild Woman" transforms into a humanoid version of her current "Spiritual Attunement", boosting the effects of the active attunement as well as providing additional bonus stats and improving her active abilities depending on the attunement. Gorilla boosts the attunement's Strength, Armor, and Magic Resistance, grants bonus Status Resistance, Bestial Leap has a much larger stun AoE radius with a longer stun duration, and Wild Strike is automatically active with endless uses (until the transformation ends, of course). Tiger boosts the attunement's Agility, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed, gives bonus Physical Damage and reduces Base Attack Time, Bestial Leap inflicts greater on all hit enemies in addition to the movement slow, and Wild Strike has a larger radius, more charges, and much shorter cooldown. And finally, Raven boosts the attunement's Intelligence, Spell Amp, has Spell Lifesteal, Bestial Leap's magic damage is increased and gives "Wild Woman" a flying movement buff at the end, and Wild Strike has no cooldown, limited only by its mana cost. Cannot switch "Spiritual Attunement" during the transformation, the duration of which is 20 seconds. Lengthy cooldown

Talent Tree and Stats not decided at the moment. Feedback and ideas are very welcome and appreciated

EDIT- Clarified W's interaction with E and how it's cooldowns work, removed the bonus Health from Ult Gorilla and Mana/Mana Regen from Raven, and removed Ult Tiger's Bestial Leap root (instead just increasing the damage from said leap)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

This smells like Udyr, but anyway, is Q break trees? And i assume Whave cd, it goes on it when used E? Also, E is instant or chave chaneling time? Seems pretty unsignificant but can drasticly change way that hero can be played. [Edit] also, are W and E linked spells(like for eg. Beastmaster W with E before rework) ? They look very dependant on eachother. Also, what if u want to change E from Tiger to Gorilla? For now it looks like u need at least 6s for that. Also, Gorilla gives bonus strength and bonus health, the two things give bassicaly same thing, wasn't be better to remove one of them and buff the other one? Raven form gives int mana and mana regen, when int already gives more mana and some amounts of mana regen. Also, Gorilla Tiger combo looks pretty mutch stronger than any combo with Raven, like u go shafow blade, attack in Gorilla mode, target is stunned, change in to Tiger to deal dmg, when target is trying to run you can use Q to root him. Two stuns are very strong on dmg dealer. Last by not least, are W's share cooldown?

KaoticKanine commented 6 years ago

This smells like Udyr

Yeah, Udyr was kind of an inspiration for this hero lol But the main inspiration is actually the Hunters of World of Warcraft, who have a unique set of passives called "Aspects" that give them buffs based around the animal it's named after when active (Aspect of the Cheetah grants greater move speed, Hawk improves accuracy since the bird has greater eye sight, Fox grants faster Focus [their "Mana"] regen etc)

but anyway, is Q break trees?

I'm inclined to say "No", mainly because we already have loads of heroes that destroy trees, with Timbersaw based entirely around the concept. And lorewise (as unimportant as lore is), it wouldn't make sense for an animal empowered person to destroy trees. Do you know how many animals can live in a single tree? lol

And i assume W have cd, it goes on it when used E? also, are W and E linked spells(like for eg. Beastmaster W with E before rework) ? They look very dependant on eachother. Last by not least, are W's share cooldown?

As in, W goes into cooldown when E is used to change attunement? That's not the intention, no. My approach to the W's interaction with E is that of Troll Warlord's W interacting with Q before rework; by default, W is Tiger version since Tiger is hero's initial attunement before first skilling it, and each version of the W has its own cooldown, just as both version of Whirling Axes had their own cooldown and doesn't go into cooldown when Troll switches stance. The Q, of course, is the exception to that since having a "blink dagger" with three separate cooldown instances would be way too OP (granted, having a controlled leap that has additional effects is pretty OP in itself, with ES at least needing Aghs for his...)

Also, E is instant or chave chaneling time? Seems pretty unsignificant but can drasticly change way that hero can be played.

E is meant to be instant. Idea is to switch between the different attunements on the fly and try to combo the abilities together, which channeling would interfere with. Would make sense lorewise, since she channels the spirit of those animals, but lore is obviously least important in hero design lol

what if u want to change E from Tiger to Gorilla? For now it looks like u need at least 6s for that

I considered that possibility, but I can't think of a way to make that kind of system work. Like, yeah, there could be two separate abilities for the passive, one that switches backward and the other switching forward, but that would just add even more complexity to an already very complex hero. Like, I want to keep things as simple as possible for this hero and I feel having two slots for the passive would be overkill, in conjunction with the Q and W changing depending on said passive. Besides, I figure that it's a necessary drawback to the hero, needing to switch to the defensively weak Raven before getting to Gorilla when in Tiger form, just as one needs to go through Int Power Treads when going from Agi to Str

Also, Gorilla gives bonus strength and bonus health, the two things give bassicaly same thing, wasn't be better to remove one ofthem and buff the other one? Raven form gives int mana and mana regen, when int already gives more mana and some amounts of mana regen.

THAT is a genuine oversight from me ^^; In my defense, all the items in the game have that kind of redundancy. Heart of Tarrasque gives Strength and raw Health despite Strength already doing that, plenty of caster items give Int, Mana, and Mana Regen, and Butterfly gives attack speed in addition to Agi despite Agi providing tons of attack speed. But then, heroes are a lot more complex than items, so I see your point. Will edit this to remove increased Health for Gorilla and the Mana/Mana Regen for Raven

Also, Gorilla Tiger combo looks pretty mutch stronger than any combo with Raven, like u go shafow blade, attack in Gorilla mode, target is stunned, change in to Tiger to deal dmg, when target is trying to run you can use Q to root him. Two stuns are very strong on dmg dealer.

I did not consider that possibility O_O Okay, yeah, DEFINITELY going to remove the root from Ult Tiger Leap, maybe instead having the slow be more significant or simply add more damage. And now that you bring it up, Raven isn't has useful and synergistic with the other attunements as I hoped... My initial idea with Raven is supposed to be this "weak but safe" playstyle, with the longer leap distance being for escape and the W being a ranged spell to safely attack from a distance. But thinking over it, players would just focus on Tiger/Gorilla and completely ignore Raven Well, if you have any suggestions for improving Raven overall, I'm all ears. Though I consider myself an effective "idea maker" on my own, I admittedly am a bit reliant on others to help make the ideas actually plausible lol

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

As for Raven aside of giving hudge broken sword? Not mutch of ideas.

Let's see what we can do with that:

So, you need to give Raven something that would benefit from building as damage dealer. Giving movment isn't that significant since Q is most likely enough. As for my idea you could add damage to fethers based on rightclick damage (every hit could incrice damage taken from hero, that would amplify dmg from multiple hits) , maybe add splash on lvl 10 talent. Also things like true strike. That both would make it very good farming form and perfect for chasing enemies down, with downside of being weaker, if that would be too good there is possibility of amplifing damage taken, powerfull but risky.

You need think about what hero is, what he would benefit from, and give as a Raven form. Don't forget to leave or make some flaws that hero will have

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

@KaoticKanine i just realised one thing, i'm dumb i didn't thought about it way earlier, look at this xD #371

[Edit] to be honest, i prefer your's, i had no idea with mine. And that's very easy to spot.

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Ps, make a very short version of this, when @Haganeko or someone who will help him with github reading will start whineing it is too mutch flavor and its too mutch text, maybe include summary or something.



is kinda missing...

KaoticKanine commented 6 years ago

I like the sound of having the feathers deal right click damage lol Works with the physical oritented hero and makes sense since the feathers would feel like arrows. I guess another solution to the Raven attunement is to have it be "utility-based". Like, it already benefits from a longer ranged leap and the feathers both slow and lower magic resistance, and it would be very beneficial to use Raven form to hasten mana regen (with the spells costing much mana to justify it)

Oh dang X'D I'm so sorry dude, I did not see that you already did a hero like this ^^; Well, your hero idea is still good, and the "toggled passive" functions a lot differently from mine. Leshy literally transforms into animals for added effects, while "Wild Woman" merely taps into a given animal's spirit, and that one is an increase to secondary stats while Wild Woman's is based around the three attributes

I'll try to shorten this lol Sadly, brevity is not one of my strong suits. And yeah, I'm aware there's no talent tree listed, just having trouble thinking of what they should be. Don't want to make too many of them simply added stats, while changes to abilities are hard to think up (on account of not being able to test the abilities and see what a talent tree can add to them lol)

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

as for talent trees i suggest you to look at mines, as for myself i like what i did with them, maybe you'll get some ideas when reading them