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[Hero] Invokers sister #401

Open zelding opened 6 years ago

zelding commented 6 years ago


Invokers modest sister. 'Nuff.


the first cast determines the effect of the spell (select), the second the form (cast); so order matters above all.

The spell is cast when the second skill was cast, no targeting required.

Her ult shoudl be considered a regular spell (like Udyr in the unnamed game)

After selecting a spell you should have several seconds to chose a form (cast)

The selected ability should be disabled until you cast it, so QQ/WW/EE/RR combinations are not allowed. I've tried to create the skill orders in the examples in a way that will not result in strictly better spells. Your damaging spells are: a skillshot (RQ), a close-target self damaging spell (RW) and a dash-attack (RE); I've made sure that you cant do the large aoe dmg - 'cuz thats not interesting. With the same logic you can't do: debuffs in a line, heal yourself (and the nearest ally), buff allies after the dash.

On second thought it might be an okay Aghanim's upgrade, to allow duplicate skillcasts such as QQ.

Using the below examples:

effect examples (first cast - select):

Q: debuff | affects enemies | armor, mspd, stat, healing, disarm, break, mute W: heal | affects allies | E: buff | affects allies | armor, mspd, stat, healing, aspd, mrez R: damage | affects enemies |

forms examples (second cast - cast):

Q: forward and backward projectile | magic damage W: nearest ally+self / enemy | pure damage E: dash forward and "attack" in a short wide cone in fornt | physical damage R: circle aoe, self center | magic damage

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Neat idea but have same problem as invoker had, a lot of this feels like a filler spells wigh not mutch of a synergy with itself

zelding commented 6 years ago

Not necessarily, all the spells I've listed are just examples to demonstrate the mechanics behind her design.

If just do the math, than yeah I agree, it sounds like she has 12 spells; but if you try my perspective, than she only has 4 spells, that have 3 different forms.

In my mind she should be at most a bit above average if you try to fit her to a role, but she should fit nicely to any.

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Also whats the difrence between R R and R W? Aside that one is pure and other one not? Also is Q a skillshot? Also Q and E * aplly all of those de/buffs? Aside of this they are basicaly same abbility but one for allays and one for enemies

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

16, not 12

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Also there is one thing, don't try to do hero that can do evrything, you'll end up with one that can do nothing i also tried do that but end up scraching it

zelding commented 6 years ago

It's 12 skills only, you can't do QQ or any doubles;

Q and E shouldn't apply all, I just listed some possible effects.

Yes, none of her spells should require explicit targeting.

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Concider yourself lucky, noone cared to read and pin out flaws in mine ones ;D

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

Anyway, i advice to ad a disclamer that cant double tap for spels

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

If youre willing to read mine ones i suggest to start with [ReadMe] i added there pretty important things as well as list of them

zelding commented 6 years ago

That was a good idea, I've edited the post

Wujekklawy commented 6 years ago

One little sligthly kinda probably one of mayby most important things, TALENT TREE