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[BOSS] Necromancer #92

Open Wujekklawy opened 7 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

Long story short

Boss based on summons, and self defense. Very simple mechanics. Constantly casting.



ps, non of summons give gold or exp

General idea

Boss is simple in description and on start you can learn what he does and what summons do, deeper is fight more challenging it gest, probably worse boss for non cooperative team, because summoner have so many different minions some heroes are good versus one thing he does but weak against other (sven can easily kill minions but can struggle with destroying spawners, wind ranger can burst guardians and necromancer but is weak against hordes of summons). I suppose that make him higher tier boss because it's almost impossible to beat him alone (if you not overpower him hugely). As visuals summons models are already in game and for guardians you can do hudger models of golden zobies and for mage zombies green one's can also work. Spawners should be have new models to show with summons it will spawn. If you want add him to game feel free to change things to be more balanced or being more accurate to your vision of this boss.

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the idea! This looks like a cool boss design Please work on formatting your post. As it is, the text is confusing and the numbers are all lying around. Additionally, please focus on the mechanics instead of flavor. For example, instead of saying the boss has zombies, skeletons and ghosts, say it has three minions, then explain the characteristics of each. This will make your design clearer, so we can better appreciate your idea.

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

I was writing it from head and i don't know how to do text editing here i useing phone) if even i not see option to edit post :/

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

Ps, i forget mention, invincible disappear when guardians are killed

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

To edit a post, you'll need to use the desktop version of Github (there's a button for that on mobile, at the bottom of the page). #37 has a useful template for formatting.

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@Haganeko how now?

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@Haganeko What you want to make more clear in that post?

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

What does the boss do at 100% - 80% health? You have each summon on four tiers, but what does the boss do before it reaches the first? Does the boss start summoning every unit at its disposal at once, once it gets to 80% HP (20% missing) or do they come one gradually? As I see it, this boss basically spawns things which spawn minions of three varieties: one which hits hard, one which is a bit tankier and slows, and weak ones. When the tankier ones die they spawn the weak ones, and when a spawner dies it spawns a fourth minion, which buffs the others. Every set amount of HP the summoning goes faster, the minions get stronger, and during the intervals special minions are summoned. Is that it?

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago


I would love to answer any more questions you have about that boss. Also is something is wrong, confusing or misspelledor confusing i will correct that.(that aply for my all posts)