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[BAC] Diplomatic Rift Screen text #15

Open makus82 opened 3 years ago

makus82 commented 3 years ago


Diplomatic Rift event – Screen where organizations demanded cash from you, this means that you have insulted the company in some way that they want you to make reparation for it.

And no matter who (gang or corporation) demand money from XCOM text is the same. It could be very immersion-breaking if a bunch of gang thugs gave the player a nicely written letter from their PR department…

So Jan Sakra suggest to … write own texts with variations and differences for each organization type:

  1. Authorities (Megapol, Government),
  2. Political parties (Technocrats, Extropians, Cult of Sirius),
  3. Gang (Diablo, Osiron,Psyke) ,
  4. Religion (Cult of Sirius),
  5. Corporation Manufacturer (MarSec, Megapol, Soulmine, Superdynamics, General Metro, Nanotech, Cyberweb, Energen, Synthemesh, Lifetree,Nutrivend),
  6. Service Corporation (Grav Ball League, Sensovision, Transtellar, Evonet, Sanctuary Clinic, Lifetree, Nutrivend),
  7. Movement (or whatever else to call the Mutant Alliance, S.E.L.F or Hidden Civilian faction)

So here fans works:

Alexander BlackRider Gangs : You broke our turf stuff now we will break you. Or you pay us. We dare you not to. Cult: Your blasphemy will be your undoing! Fire will rain from our temples and consume you and anything you hold dear! Repent and provide a donation to appease the Gods or your time is nigh!

Marcus Hartlow Movement (S.E.L.F/Mutant Alliance): We only seek freedom and justice for our people, X-COM. Because of your recent transgressions against our organization, we demand reimbursement for any and all damages. If you refuse, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves against further incursions. Do you not support our cause, X-COM?

andersonm 3 months ago I could probably write flavor text for every organisation, if that’s in scope. What about something like the below?

Government: You were our hope for protecting Mega-Primus against the alien incursions. Instead, you have turned against us. We demand that you immediately demonstrate your continued good intent, or you will be considered yet another enemy we will overcome.

Megapol: Your actions in contravention of Mega-Primus law have reached the point where it is impossible to continue to look the other way. We demand that you immediately compensate for the damages caused, or you will be considered an enemy of the law.

Technocrats: Your reckless acts have damaged our organisation to the point we can no longer ignore them. We require immediate transfer of funds for reconstruction, or we may take action to prevent further harm to ourselves and the city.

Osiron: Your hostile actions against our associates have not gone unnoticed. We believe it would be in your best interest to make the enclosed donation to our corporate welfare fund, or our associates must regrettably be informed of your continued hostile intent.

S.E.L.F. Our people have suffered enough without your senseless and destructive acts. We ask for the most basic resources to help relieve their burden in your name, or we may not be able to stem the rising anger against you.

Raptor29a Osiron Who do you think you are act in such a manner? Your predecessors who set up this arrangement between our organizations would be would be disgraced to hear of your actions. Either you can amend your honor or be shattered like the bad egg you are under the might of the Osiron. Your agents flyers and erect buildings will topple due to your insolence.

Laurie Blake Since Andersonm doesn’t seem to be coming back, I thought I’d try my hand at a few more.

Cult of Sirius: Your aggression towards our benevolent visitors is unsanctioned and indicative of the base behaviours that they seek to help us overcome! With appropriate reparations we might still be able to convince them that you and those you associate with are willing to repent, but continued hostilities will guarantee that you shall be left behind when the ascension is upon us.

Cyberweb/General Metro/Synthemesh/Superdynamics: It has come to our attention that a number of our vehicles and properties have sustained considerable damage, and after an ensuing investigation it is the opinion of the board that XCOM is found liable for the repairs. The following invoice is enclosed, with payment due immediately. Non-payment shall be assumed as a declaration that said damages were purposeful and with intent to harm.

Mutant Alliance: It was our hope that the XCOM organisation would present itself as a safeguard against external threats for ALL citizens of Megaprimus, but once again it seems that our people suffer at the hands of those who consider us nothing but a reminder of hostilities past. With an appropriate donation we might be able to reassure our hybrid communities that XCOM is more than the oppressor that their actions proclaim them to be, but only so long as these aggressions cease immediately.

Diablo: You think you can hit Diablo turf and we’re just gonna lie there and take it? That’d be a big mistake. The boss ain’t happy, and when the boss ain’t happy things start exploding, you get it? So I think we both agree that it’s a good idea if you drop off a little gift, something that might make the boss forget about this little… ‘incident’.

Psyke: The recent assault on Psyke territories have brought to our attention how little the XCOM organisation is paying for protection. We’ve done you the favour of calculating just how much you owe us, including interest, for the missed payments. I suggest you put that money into the enclosed account quickly, before word gets around that you’re what the boys call “fair game”.

Energen: As the provider of power to the entirety of Mega Primus, it was with surprise that we learned of XCOM’s unprovoked damaging of our properties. The targeting of city infrastructure would suggest that your duty as extra-terrestrial security is little more than a farce. Without compensation sufficient to cover these damages, the Senate shall be informed of your role in future city blackouts.

Lifetree: Your destruction of Lifetree property has created create concern within Megaprimus communities. Have you no consideration that, should you damage our schools and our hospitals in your fight to defend our present, you unwittingly damage our future? Where shall the wounded lie? Where will our children learn? We have opened a public reconstruction fund, where we suggest you donate a considerable sum.

Transtellar: The board has grown concerned with the damages the XCOM organisation have wrought upon our facilities, and have begun to consider your placement upon our blacklist. As the primary supplier of transportation services both on and off world, we would suggest that you prove your worth to the board immediately with a donation to our off-world retirement fund. Refusal shall be considered during our review.

Sensovision: The recent damages incurred to Sensovision operations and properties have led us to believe that XCOM fights not in the name of freedom but from oppression. While we have done our best to show XCOM in an unbiased light, continued aggression will force us to reveal the true nature of your organisation across our news outlets. Enclosed is an invoice for the reconstruction of our services, the payment of which may rebalance our views.

GravBall League: Due to damages caused by the XCOM organisation’s activities around the city, our recent game featuring “The Hybrid Hyenas” vs “The Midtown Marvels” was forced to be cancelled. Presently we are planning on covering up your involvement by calling it an “accidental misfire incident”, however the cost of running said advertisement is beyond our budget due to the repairs needed. Should you wish to avoid scandal, we suggest you appropriately assist our advertising department with their funds.

Nutrivend: As the sole supplier of provisions to the city of Mega Primus, we believe ourselves to be an integral part of city infrastructure, and therefore a priority for XCOM protection. As such, we will assume the destruction of our property to be a mistake, and will refrain from imposing an additional tax upon all supplies transferred to XCOM facilities. As a gesture of good will, we shall expect a transfer within the day to cover the damages incurred.

xtxownage Sanctuary Clinic: “The provision of longevity and a long fulfilling life has been continuously subverted by the reckless destruction caused by X-COM; and rebuilding that which helps others live has been getting increasingly expensive because of it. We demand justified compensation for our efforts, or there will be significant consequences.”

(infiltrated) “X-COM has continued to wage unjustifiable violence against those which we at Sanctuary Clinic have taken in as friend. We believe there is better solution, and are prepared to accommodate the aliens as needed. All we can hope for is X-COM will stop this, and send righteous contribution to this goal before our disagreements become heated.”