OpenApoc / Conceptis

Conceptis - is webpage analog of X-Com Apocalypse for future interfaces and concepts in OpenApoc and mods use
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[BAC] Ranks: Agents #7

Open makus82 opened 4 years ago

makus82 commented 4 years ago


Ранг система где более опытные агенты получившие высокий ранг раздают бафы своему отряду, и множество других связанных с этой темой улучшений. В моде можно добавить историю, черты и личность агентам, усложняет взаимосвязи между разными расами, другие улучшает мораль, взаимодействие в скваде и боевой обстановке.

👨 Персональные Черты и Особенности Агентов

👨 Ранги и Сквады - Мораль в бою

image 👨 Человек

image 👽 Гибрид

image 🤖 Андроид

image 🤖 Киборги

👽 Найм бойцов и организации

👽 Мод событие моно-диалог

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makus82 commented 4 years ago

Original idea from Pgd-Marshall

" Maybe some expansion on the agents paramilitary ranking system funtionalities. For example some stats boost for being around high ranking Squad Leader, stats penalties for low ranking squad leaders, maybe overall increase or decrease proficiency for best organised Squads. Not an arcadey style, but a tactical sense for it. Best squads should be more likely to comply orders, hold the position, have a strong morale and increased agressiveness. The rookie squad the extreme opposite. This is implemented I think, but on an individual level with the agent stats, since experience = improved stats, and maybe the impact of aliens numbers when they're overruned and on panic, but there's no dynamic change that benefits from squads integrity and composition, both turn-based or real time. The ranking system is a tool to implement it I think, and it was genius they put limits on promotions, acording to the number of personel you have on your organisation. It mimics real life. Not like the stupid arcadey-thing of having a team composed of 4 captains or colonels. Seriously what the hell is that? "

A rank system where more experienced agents with a higher rank distribute buffs to their squad, and many other improvements related to this topic. In fashion, you can add history, traits and personality to agents, complicate the relationship between different races, others improve morale, interaction in a squad and a combat situation.

Personal Bonuses





There must be renegade androids and hybrids which may appear regardless of the reputation of organizations

There must be radical groups in the organization of androids and hybrids who can take control at some point in the game and ....

makus82 commented 3 years ago


[MOD concept] Diversity: Agents and Squads +

Мод дает историю агентам, усложняет взаимосвязи между разными расами, взаимодействие в скваде и боевой обстановке.

Персональные Бонусы

Мораль в бою




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