OpenAstroTech / OATFWGUI

OpenAstroTech FirmWare Graphical User Interface
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`avr-g++` "No such file or directory" on Windows 10 German installation #50

Open julianneswinoga opened 2 months ago

julianneswinoga commented 2 months ago



Adler6907 commented 1 month ago

oh, an English installation that was later converted to German is not the same as a clean German installation.

My D: drive is a partition on the first and only Windows drive

I downloaded the last version of OATFWGUI again and unpacked it. It reports that the "OpenAstroTracker-Firmware-develop" directory does not exist. image

Okay, I created it manually and started downloading the firmware again. Now the following error occurs image

what can I do to solve the problem? Thanks for a support