OpenAstroTech / OpenAstroTracker-Desktop

Software related to the OAT used in Desktop environments
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OATControl Crashes after GPS lock is found #6

Closed julianneswinoga closed 3 years ago

julianneswinoga commented 3 years ago

Running OATControl V0.9.9.16 connected to firmware on addfa0f Connection dialog says: 'Sync'd!', then 'Retrieving current location' and then it just crashes. Logs don't have anything useful:

[00:00:00.006] [01]: *********************************
[00:00:00.006] [01]: *  OatControl                   *
[00:00:00.006] [01]: *********************************
[00:00:00.006] [01]: * Started : 2021-01-24 23:39:04 *
[00:00:00.006] [01]: * User    : --------------------      *
[00:00:00.006] [01]: *********************************
[00:00:00.058] [01]: Mount: Initialization starting...
[00:00:00.058] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Device Discovery initiated.
[00:00:00.058] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Checking Serial ports....
[00:00:00.058] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Found Serial port [COM7]
[00:00:00.058] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Found Serial port [COM5]
[00:00:00.058] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Starting Wifi search by Broadcastign OAT on port 4031
[00:00:00.063] [01]: Mount: Device discovery started...
[00:00:00.064] [01]: Mount: Attempting to read Point of Interest from C:\----------\OATControl_V0.9.9.16\PointsOfInterest.xml...
[00:00:00.065] [01]: Mount: Successfully read 21 Points of Interest.
[00:00:00.066] [01]: Mount: Initialization of OATControl complete...
[00:00:01.328] [01]: Mount: Connect to OAT requested
[00:00:01.400] [01]: Mount: Showing OAT comms Chooser Wizard
[00:00:06.596] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Attempting to connect to device Serial : COM5...
[00:00:06.596] [01]: COMMFACTORY: Creating Serial handler on COM5 at 57600 baud...
[00:00:06.597] [01]: Mount: Request OAT Firmware version
[00:00:06.601] [01]: SERIAL: Port COM5 is not open, attempting to open...
[00:00:07.355] [01]: SERIAL: Port is open, sending initial [:I#] command..
[00:00:07.356] [01]: [0002] SERIAL: [:GVP#] Sending command
[00:00:07.356] [01]: [0002] SERIAL: [:GVP#] Expecting #-delimited response for Command, waiting...
[00:00:07.366] [01]: [0002] SERIAL: [:GVP#] Received response 'OpenAstroTracker' for command
[00:00:07.366] [01]: Mount: Connected to OAT. Requesting firmware version..
[00:00:07.366] [01]: [0003] SERIAL: [:GVN#] Sending command
[00:00:07.366] [01]: [0003] SERIAL: [:GVN#] Expecting #-delimited response for Command, waiting...
[00:00:07.374] [01]: [0003] SERIAL: [:GVN#] Received response 'V1.8.65' for command
[00:00:07.374] [01]: [0004] SERIAL: [:XGM#] Sending command
[00:00:07.374] [01]: [0004] SERIAL: [:XGM#] Expecting #-delimited response for Command, waiting...
[00:00:07.394] [01]: [0004] SERIAL: [:XGM#] Received response 'Mega,NEMA|16|400,NEMA|16|400,GPS,NO_AZ_ALT,NO_GYRO,NO_LCD,' for command
[00:00:07.394] [01]: Mount: Hardware is OATCommunications.CommunicationHandlers.CommandResponse
[00:00:07.660] [01]: [0005] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Sending command
[00:00:07.661] [01]: [0005] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Expecting single digit response for command, waiting...
[00:00:07.763] [01]: [0005] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Received single digit response '0' for command
[00:00:08.065] [01]: [0006] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Sending command
[00:00:08.065] [01]: [0006] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Expecting single digit response for command, waiting...
[00:00:08.173] [01]: [0006] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Received single digit response '0' for command
[00:00:08.449] [01]: [0007] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Sending command
[00:00:08.449] [01]: [0007] SERIAL: [:gT100#] Expecting single digit response for command, waiting...
christian-kardach commented 3 years ago

was able to do a repro on this error, pending fix

christian-kardach commented 3 years ago

closing as its a duplicate