OpenAstronomy / conda-channel

An open source community conda channel
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Undefault combination dependency package versions #9

Open bsipocz opened 8 years ago

bsipocz commented 8 years ago

There used to be the conda channel astropy-ci-extras. I wonder whether it was also merged here? If not, then I'm afraid this will be off-topic.

We start to see problems when we need to use version restrictions on given dependencies, but those older versions start to cause conflicts on the default conda channel as new versions of other dependencies are coming out. Would be nice if we could host the most critical ones.

The example is mpl. We can't use the latest 1.5.1 version with our sphinx builds due to However numpy 1.11 is out, so we can't use NUMPY_VERSION=stable any more either, unless we (or someone else) can and willing to host those builds.

This can be hacked around in ci-helpers, but it would be nicer to be able to use an appropriate conda package from somewhere.

cc @mdboom as he may know some hidden continuum corner for this particular case of mpl 1.5.0&np.1.11 with py2.7 & py3.5

Cadair commented 8 years ago

I think astropy-ci-extras still exists. However, doing this is something we could look at.

astrofrog commented 8 years ago

Just a quick note - I think we should keep astropy-ci-helpers and the openastronomy conda channel separate - since we don't want to be distributing e.g. matplotlib in the latter.

Cadair commented 8 years ago

I would agree. I was thinking more about old numpy builds for astropy.