OpenAtomFoundation / pika

Pika is a Redis-Compatible database developed by Qihoo's infrastructure team.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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基于codis搭建的pika集群,pipeline导入数据时proxy报错,无法导入 #2824

Open LinzWang opened 1 month ago

LinzWang commented 1 month ago

Is this a regression?





2024/07/24 18:00:05 session.go:270: [ERROR] 2024-07-24 17:58:48 remote:, start_time(us):1721815128177972, duration(us): [6, 11517, 77295887], 77307410, tasksLen:997, command:[SET 998 998].
    3   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:270
    2   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/request.go:156
    1   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:226
    0   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:148
        ... ...
2024/07/24 18:00:05 session.go:270: [ERROR] 2024-07-24 17:58:48 remote:, start_time(us):1721815128177972, duration(us): [15, 11508, 77295927], 77307450, tasksLen:998, command:[SET 999 999].
    3   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:270
    2   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/request.go:156
    1   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:226
    0   /Users/edy/temp/pika-4.0.0/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:148
        ... ...
2024/07/24 18:00:05 session.go:93: [INFO] session [0xc080b83180] closed: {"ops":1002,"create":1721815128,"lastop":1721815128,"remote":""}, error: EOF
2024/07/24 18:00:10 backend.go:335: [WARN] backend conn [0xc0000dac60] to, db-0 writer-[0] exit
[error]: backend conn failure, set tcp use of closed network connection
2024/07/24 18:00:10 backend.go:282: [WARN] backend conn [0xc0000dac60] to, db-0 reader-[0] exit
[error]: backend conn failure, read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
2024/07/24 18:00:10 backend.go:261: [WARN] backend conn [0xc0000dac60] to, db-0 round-[1]

pika 错误信息如下:

pika(80030,0x70000c74b000) malloc: *** error for object 0x60000106bfc0: pointer being freed was not allocated
pika(80030,0x70000c74b000) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

pika配置文件只修改了thead-num 为 2,proxy配置如下

#                                                #
#                  Codis-Proxy                   #
#                                                #

# Set Codis Product Name/Auth.
product_name = "codis-demo"
product_auth = ""

# Set auth for client session
#   1. product_auth is used for auth validation among codis-dashboard,
#      codis-proxy and codis-server.
#   2. session_auth is different from product_auth, it requires clients
#      to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other commands.
session_auth = ""

# Set bind address for admin(rpc), tcp only.
admin_addr = ""

# Set bind address for proxy, proto_type can be "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6", "unix" or "unixpacket".
proto_type = "tcp4"
proxy_addr = ""

# Set jodis address & session timeout
#   1. jodis_name is short for jodis_coordinator_name, only accept "zookeeper" & "etcd".
#   2. jodis_addr is short for jodis_coordinator_addr
#   3. jodis_auth is short for jodis_coordinator_auth, for zookeeper/etcd, "user:password" is accepted.
#   4. proxy will be registered as node:
#        if jodis_compatible = true (not suggested):
#          /zk/codis/db_{PRODUCT_NAME}/proxy-{HASHID} (compatible with Codis2.0)
#        or else
#          /jodis/{PRODUCT_NAME}/proxy-{HASHID}
jodis_name = ""
jodis_addr = ""
jodis_auth = ""
jodis_timeout = "20s"
jodis_compatible = false

# Set datacenter of proxy.
proxy_datacenter = ""

# Set max number of alive sessions.
proxy_max_clients = 5000

# Set max offheap memory size. (0 to disable)
proxy_max_offheap_size = "4gb"

# Set heap placeholder to reduce GC frequency.
proxy_heap_placeholder = "2gb"

# Proxy will ping backend redis (and clear 'MASTERDOWN' state) in a predefined interval. (0 to disable)
backend_ping_period = "5s"

# Set backend recv buffer size & timeout.
backend_recv_bufsize = "128kb"
backend_recv_timeout = "3600s"

# Set backend send buffer & timeout.
backend_send_bufsize = "128kb"
backend_send_timeout = "3600s"

# Set backend pipeline buffer size.
backend_max_pipeline = 20480

# Set backend never read replica groups, default is false
backend_primary_only = false

# Set backend parallel connections per server
backend_primary_parallel = 2
backend_replica_parallel = 2
# Set quick backend parallel connections per server
backend_primary_quick = 1
backend_replica_quick = 1

# Set slot num
max_slot_num = 2

# Set backend tcp keepalive period. (0 to disable)
backend_keepalive_period = "75s"

# Set number of databases of backend.
backend_number_databases = 1

# If there is no request from client for a long time, the connection will be closed. (0 to disable)
# Set session recv buffer size & timeout.
session_recv_bufsize = "128kb"
session_recv_timeout = "30m"

# Set session send buffer size & timeout.
session_send_bufsize = "128kb"
session_send_timeout = "30m"

# Make sure this is higher than the max number of requests for each pipeline request, or your client may be blocked.
# Set session pipeline buffer size.
session_max_pipeline = 100000

# Set session tcp keepalive period. (0 to disable)
session_keepalive_period = "75s"

# Set session to be sensitive to failures. Default is false, instead of closing socket, proxy will send an error response to client.
session_break_on_failure = false

# Slowlog-log-slower-than(us), from receive command to send response, 0 is allways print slow log
slowlog_log_slower_than = 100000

# quick command list
quick_cmd_list = ""
# slow command list
slow_cmd_list = ""

# Set metrics server (such as http://localhost:28000), proxy will report json formatted metrics to specified server in a predefined period.
metrics_report_server = ""
metrics_report_period = "1s"

# Set influxdb server (such as http://localhost:8086), proxy will report metrics to influxdb.
metrics_report_influxdb_server = ""
metrics_report_influxdb_period = "1s"
metrics_report_influxdb_username = ""
metrics_report_influxdb_password = ""
metrics_report_influxdb_database = ""

# Set statsd server (such as localhost:8125), proxy will report metrics to statsd.
metrics_report_statsd_server = ""
metrics_report_statsd_period = "1s"
metrics_report_statsd_prefix = ""

# Maximum delay statistical time interval.(This value must be greater than 0.)
max_delay_refresh_time_interval = "15s"

python 测试脚本:

import redis
import time
from threading import Thread
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=19000)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
def try_pipeline(count):

    start = time.time()
    with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
        for i in range(1000):
            #value = random.choice(string.ascii_letters).zfill(100)
            pipe.set(i+count*100, i)
    print(f'pipeline: {time.time() - start}')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Please provide a link to a minimal reproduction of the bug

No response

Screenshots or videos

No response

Please provide the version you discovered this bug in (check about page for version information)

Pika 版本: 3.5.3 
Codis版本: 根据4.0.0中代码构建
OS版本: macOS  14.2.1

Anything else?

No response

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 month ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Title: In the pika cluster built based on codis, when the pipeline imports data, the proxy reports an error and cannot be imported.

LinzWang commented 1 month ago




2024/07/25 18:08:59 session.go:270: [ERROR] 2024-07-25 18:08:57 remote:, start_time(us):1721902137218354, duration(us): [90, 291263, 1695292], 1986646, tasksLen:8458, command:[HSET prop-user000000000049499 list00000000000000048true].
    3   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:270
    2   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/request.go:156
    1   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:226
    0   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:148
        ... ...
2024/07/25 18:08:59 session.go:270: [ERROR] 2024-07-25 18:08:57 remote:, start_time(us):1721902137218357, duration(us): [90, 291260, 1695330], 1986682, tasksLen:8459, command:[HSET prop-user000000000049499 list00000000000000049true].
    3   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:270
    2   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/request.go:156
    1   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:226
    0   /pika/codis/pkg/proxy/session.go:148
luky116 commented 1 month ago

Codis 不支持 pipline 命令,属于是正常现象

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 month ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Codis does not support the pipline command, which is normal.