Open yakexi07 opened 2 months ago
是的队列阻塞了 thread-pool-size: 12 可以调整下 你是8核 调成8就行 max-background-jobs : 5 max-background-flushes :2 max-background-compactions : 3
是的队列阻塞了 thread-pool-size: 12 可以调整下 你是8核 调成8就行 max-background-jobs : 5 max-background-flushes :2 max-background-compactions : 3
尝试按照你说的调整了配置,还是会出现一样的问题。 同时采用如下配置的 336版本,测试未出现问题 ,麻烦再帮忙看看 是否新版本有特殊的设置
port : 9221 thread-num : 8 thread-pool-size : 16 sync-thread-num : 2 log-path : ./log/ db-path : ./db/ write-buffer-size : 536870912 #512M arena-block-size : 67108864 #64M timeout : 0 requirepass : xxx masterauth : xxx userpass : xxx userblacklist : FLUSHALL, FLUSHDB, SHUTDOWN, CONFIG, KEYS, slaveof, client instance-mode : classic databases : 8 default-slot-num : 1024 replication-num : 0 consensus-level : 0 dump-prefix : backup- daemonize : no dump-path : ./dump/ dump-expire : 5 pidfile : ./ maxclients : 20000 target-file-size-base : 52428800 #50M,level 1大小 expire-logs-days : 7 expire-logs-nums : 200 root-connection-num : 2 slowlog-write-errorlog : yes slowlog-log-slower-than : 20000 slowlog-max-len : 128 db-sync-path : ./dbsync/ db-sync-speed : -1 slave-priority : 100 compact-cron : 03-04/30 compact-interval : sync-window-size : 9000 max-conn-rbuf-size : 268435456 write-binlog : yes binlog-file-size : 104857600 max-cache-statistic-keys : 5000 small-compaction-threshold : 5000 max-write-buffer-size : 10737418240 #10GB max-write-buffer-number : 2 max-client-response-size : 1073741824 compression : snappy max-background-flushes : 1 max-background-compactions : 2 max-cache-files : 10000 max-bytes-for-level-multiplier : 10
是的队列阻塞了 thread-pool-size: 12 可以调整下 你是8核 调成8就行 max-background-jobs : 5 max-background-flushes :2 max-background-compactions : 3
355版本启动的时候,日志中有 Worker queue limit is 1766 ,这个可以说明 排队的队列最大是1766吗? 这个数值在哪儿可以修改,或者说怎么样获取的,我从你们 相关的文档 里面看到,你们启动的时候这个数值是2万多,麻烦看看是否与这个数值有关系
Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.
Yes, the queue is blocked. thread-pool-size: 12. You can adjust it. You have 8 cores. Just adjust it to 8. max-background-jobs: 5 max-background-flushes: 2 max-background-compactions: 3
When version 355 is started, there is Worker queue limit is 1766 in the log. Does this mean that the maximum queue is 1766? Where can this value be modified, or how to obtain it? I found it from your relevant document I see that when you started, the value was more than 20,000. Please check if it has anything to do with this value.
您可以把您当前的配置在发下吗 config get *
Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.
Can you post your current configuration? config get*
提供一些可供参考的场景,同样的压测条件压测了 redis 6.26 和pika 3.5.5 ,发现pika hset命令的qps比较低,同时日志里面大量的出现了排队的情况,怀疑是hset命令大量的写入导致了排队
E20240902 16:19:23.452486 91162] ip_port:, db: db0, command: "HSET" "gamex:0:profile:conditionRecords:45:0:d53dbccd-6053-4802-a7c4-184cb4adb3df" "23" "\n\b\b\xca\x01\x12\x03\b\xe3\x0c", command_size: 93, arguments: 4, total_time(ms): 54, before_queue_time(ms): 0, queue_time(ms): 38, process_time(ms): 16, cmd_time(ms): 0
您可以把您当前的配置在发下吗 config get *> config get * 1) "port" 2) "9221" 3) "thread-num" 4) "12" 5) "thread-pool-size" 6) "16" 7) "slow-cmd-thread-pool-size" 8) "1" 9) "admin-thread-pool-size" 10) "2" 11) "userblacklist" 12) "flushall, flushdb, shutdown, keys, config" 13) "slow-cmd-list" 14) "" 15) "admin-cmd-list" 16) "monitor,ping,info" 17) "sync-thread-num" 18) "8" 19) "sync-binlog-thread-num" 20) "1" 21) "log-path" 22) "./log/" 23) "db-path" 24) "./db/" 25) "maxmemory" 26) "268435456" 27) "write-buffer-size" 28) "268435456" 29) "arena-block-size" 30) "33554432" 31) "max-write-buffer-num" 32) "2" 33) "timeout" 34) "0" 35) "requirepass" 36) "xxx" 37) "masterauth" 38) "xxx" 39) "userpass" 40) "xxx" 41) "instance-mode" 42) "classic" 43) "databases" 44) "1" 45) "daemonize" 46) "no" 47) "slotmigrate" 48) "no" 49) "slow-cmd-pool" 50) "no" 51) "slotmigrate-thread-num" 52) "8" 53) "thread-migrate-keys-num" 54) "64" 55) "dump-path" 56) "./dump/" 57) "dump-expire" 58) "5" 59) "dump-prefix" 60) "backup-" 61) "pidfile" 62) "./" 63) "maxclients" 64) "20000" 65) "target-file-size-base" 66) "52428800" 67) "max-cache-statistic-keys" 68) "2000" 69) "small-compaction-threshold" 70) "5000" 71) "small-compaction-duration-threshold" 72) "10000" 73) "max-background-flushes" 74) "4" 75) "max-background-compactions" 76) "4" 77) "max-background-jobs" 78) "8" 79) "max-cache-files" 80) "5000" 81) "max-bytes-for-level-multiplier" 82) "10" 83) "block-size" 84) "4096" 85) "block-cache" 86) "15" 87) "share-block-cache" 88) "yes" 89) "cache-index-and-filter-blocks" 90) "yes" 91) "optimize-filters-for-hits" 92) "no" 93) "level-compaction-dynamic-level-bytes" 94) "yes" 95) "expire-logs-days" 96) "7" 97) "expire-logs-nums" 98) "20" 99) "root-connection-num" 100) "2" 101) "slowlog-write-errorlog" 102) "yes" 103) "slowlog-log-slower-than" 104) "30000" 105) "slowlog-max-len" 106) "128" 107) "write-binlog" 108) "yes" 109) "binlog-file-size" 110) "524288000" 111) "max-write-buffer-size" 112) "6442450944" 113) "max-client-response-size" 114) "104857600" 115) "compression" 116) "snappy" 117) "db-sync-path" 118) "./dbsync/" 119) "db-sync-speed" 120) "1024" 121) "compact-cron" 122) "03-04/30" 123) "compact-interval" 124) "" 125) "disable_auto_compactions" 126) "false" 127) "network-interface" 128) "" 129) "slaveof" 130) "" 131) "slave-priority" 132) "100" 133) "save" 134) "" 135) "appendonly" 136) "no" 137) "sync-window-size" 138) "9000" 139) "max-conn-rbuf-size" 140) "67108864" 141) "replication-num" 142) "0" 143) "consensus-level" 144) "0" 145) "rate-limiter-mode" 146) "1" 147) "rate-limiter-bandwidth" 148) "1099511627776" 149) "delayed-write-rate" 150) "0" 151) "max-compaction-bytes" 152) "1310720000" 153) "rate-limiter-refill-period-us" 154) "100000" 155) "rate-limiter-fairness" 156) "10" 157) "rate-limiter-auto-tuned" 158) "yes" 159) "run-id" 160) "e96f227e6214adcbec36ea0817271c802b35df85" 161) "blob-cache" 162) "0" 163) "blob-compression-type" 164) "none" 165) "blob-file-size" 166) "268435456" 167) "blob-garbage-collection-age-cutoff" 168) "0.250000" 169) "blob-garbage-collection-force-threshold" 170) "1.000000" 171) "blob-num-shard-bits" 172) "0" 173) "compression-per-level" 174) "" 175) "default-slot-num" 176) "128" 177) "enable-blob-files" 178) "no" 179) "enable-blob-garbage-collection" 180) "no" 181) "loglevel" 182) "" 183) "min-blob-size" 184) "4096" 185) "pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache" 186) "no" 187) "slave-read-only" 188) "yes" 189) "throttle-bytes-per-second" 190) "207200000" 191) "max-rsync-parallel-num" 192) "4" 193) "replication-id" 194) "" 195) "cache-num" 196) "16" 197) "cache-model" 198) "0" 199) "cache-type" 200) "" 201) "zset-cache-start-direction" 202) "0" 203) "zset-cache-field-num-per-key" 204) "512" 205) "cache-maxmemory" 206) "10737418240" 207) "cache-maxmemory-policy" 208) "1" 209) "cache-maxmemory-samples" 210) "5" 211) "cache-lfu-decay-time" 212) "1" 213) "acl-pubsub-default" 214) "resetchannels"
Is this a regression?
使用redis-cli进行压测 time /opt/redis/redis-src/src/redis-benchmark -a xxx -p 9221 -c 100 -r 500000 -n 1000000 -d 128 -t SET,GET,HSET -l --csv ,(redis-benchmark版本为6.26)此命令会持续进行压测,压测是想得到set、get、hset命令高iops的情况下,pika是否能支持较长时间,应对线上突发大流量,大约5分钟之后,pika日志里面会出现命令排队的情况,可以持续复现
E20240826 16:06:57.641274 2084] ip_port:, db: db0, command: "HSET" "myhash" "element:000000486796" "
Km;YG3DMJOCc4VY6oY=Q;;ii7", command_size: 161, arguments: 4, total_time(ms): 30, before_queue_time(ms): 0, queue_time(ms): 21, process_time(ms): 9, cmd_time(ms): 0偶尔排队时间会达到60ms,麻烦帮忙看下是否配置有可优化项,或者压测模型选择的有问题?
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