This menu presents itself as confusing. Functions related to the screener presets should be separated from the other functions. A screener is for screening the entire market, and not for analyzing an individual ticker.
The historical function doesn't even make sense, and should be removed. How is it a screener?
2023 Feb 08, 18:51 (🦋) /stocks/scr/ $ historical
The limit of stocks to compare with are 10. Hence, 10 random similar stocks will be displayed.
The selected list will be: BANR, BGRY, EAR, HOTH, PSNL, SQL, STRRP, UA, XIN, YQ
This menu presents itself as confusing. Functions related to the screener presets should be separated from the other functions. A screener is for screening the entire market, and not for analyzing an individual ticker.
function doesn't even make sense, and should be removed. How is it a screener?