Closed deeleeramone closed 6 months ago
Looks like some of the commands are back?
It does appear that the error message has changed.
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ load AAPL
Loading Daily data for AAPL with starting period 2020-06-01.
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ popular
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'Superstonk' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'pennystocks' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'RobinHoodPennyStocks' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'Daytrading' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'StockMarket' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'stocks' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'investing' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'wallstreetbets' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Error: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 0 elements, new values have 1 elements
Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'empty'
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ popular --sub wsb
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'wsb' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Error: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 0 elements, new values have 1 elements
Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'empty'
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ popular --sub wsb --num 100
Searching for tickers in latest 100 'wsb' posts
0 potential tickers found.
Error: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 0 elements, new values have 1 elements
Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'empty'
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ getdd
No DD posts found
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ getdd --all
No DD posts found
(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $
Will help with this?
It will be safe to assume that all methods providing programmatic access to Reddit will be impacted by the changes being implemented.
@deeleeramone @shruzki - Looks like Teddit works part of the time, but that Reddit is making an effort to block it.
Between "part of the time", and knowing with certainty that Reddit is not changing their stance on programmatic access to their data, it doesn't bode well. :(
Pretty sure it's related to this: