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[Bug] Current Reddit API appears to be deprecated. All commands return with: `Wrong Reddit API keys` #5110

Closed deeleeramone closed 6 months ago

deeleeramone commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure it's related to this:

jmaslek commented 1 year ago

Looks like some of the commands are back?

deeleeramone commented 1 year ago

It does appear that the error message has changed.

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ load AAPL

Loading Daily data for AAPL with starting period 2020-06-01.

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ popular

Searching for tickers in latest 10 'Superstonk' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'pennystocks' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'RobinHoodPennyStocks' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'Daytrading' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'StockMarket' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'stocks' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'investing' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Searching for tickers in latest 10 'wallstreetbets' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Error: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 0 elements, new values have 1 elements

Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'empty'

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ popular --sub wsb

Searching for tickers in latest 10 'wsb' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Error: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 0 elements, new values have 1 elements

Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'empty'

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ popular --sub wsb --num 100

Searching for tickers in latest 100 'wsb' posts
  0 potential tickers found.
Error: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 0 elements, new values have 1 elements

Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'empty'

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ getdd

No DD posts found

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ getdd --all

No DD posts found

(🦋) /stocks/ba/ $
shruzki commented 1 year ago

Will help with this?

deeleeramone commented 1 year ago

It will be safe to assume that all methods providing programmatic access to Reddit will be impacted by the changes being implemented.

joshuabuildsthings commented 1 year ago

@deeleeramone @shruzki - Looks like Teddit works part of the time, but that Reddit is making an effort to block it.

Instances being blocked by Reddit #411

deeleeramone commented 1 year ago

Between "part of the time", and knowing with certainty that Reddit is not changing their stance on programmatic access to their data, it doesn't bode well. :(