A cross platform application for the OpenBCI Cyton and Ganglion. Tested on Mac, Windows and Ubuntu/Mint Linux.
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Add check for workflow dispatch to deploy builds to AWS S3 #1172

Closed retiutut closed 12 months ago

retiutut commented 1 year ago

Towards the end of this sprint/cycle, we can re-add on-workflow dispatch to deploying builds to S3 for internal testing.


- name: Store Build on AWS
      if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
      run: |
        export CURRENT_BRANCH=`git branch --show-current`
        export GUI_COMMIT_TIME=`cat temp/timestamp.txt`
        export GUI_VERSION_STRING=`cat temp/versionstring.txt`
        echo $GUI_COMMIT_TIME
        echo $GUI_VERSION_STRING
        echo $CURRENT_BRANCH
        aws s3 rm s3://openbci-public-gui-v6/latest  --recursive --exclude "*" --include "openbcigui_*_macosx.dmg"
        aws s3 cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/. s3://openbci-public-gui-v6/${GUI_VERSION_STRING}  --recursive --exclude "*" --include "openbcigui_*_macosx.dmg"
        aws s3 cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/. s3://openbci-public-gui-v6/latest  --recursive --exclude "*" --include "openbcigui_*_macosx.dmg"

This will also help us limit the amount of times we use Windows signing certificate.

We need these Github Actions ymls pushed to master before they even become available.

philippitts commented 12 months ago

I think this is no longer needed. We have workflows now that build artifacts for active PRs, so there shouldn't be a need for manual dispatching. We also don't have limitations on the number of times we use the Windows signing certificate because we elected to go with a different strategy for that certificate.

retiutut commented 12 months ago

Sweet, thanks for chiming in about this. Closing this issue.