A cross platform application for the OpenBCI Cyton and Ganglion. Tested on Mac, Windows and Ubuntu/Mint Linux.
MIT License
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Generate a BDF file with an unknown header version error #1210

Closed NewBiee777 closed 6 months ago

NewBiee777 commented 6 months ago


save a file in BDF+ format, the resulting file cannot be read by OpenBCI or EEGLAB. header has unknown version: "BIOSEMIX",expected "0"。


The .bdf file format to be read by OPENBCI

Operating System and Version

Windows 10 x64 pro up to date

GUI Version

tried 3.3.2

Are you running the downloaded app or from Processing/VSCode?


Type of OpenBCI Board


Console Log and Screenshots

Paste any relevant text from the console window here, as well as any helpful screenshots of the GUI. 986V80~NGRX9LR`78R8AU{4_tmb