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Create Robots.txt File #82

Open alchuu00 opened 7 months ago

alchuu00 commented 7 months ago


Create and implement a robots.txt file for the website to guide search engine crawlers on what to crawl and index.

Steps to Implement:

  1. File Creation: Create a new file named robots.txt at the root directory of the project.

  2. Basic Structure: The basic structure of the robots.txt file should include User-agent directives and Disallow directives as needed. For example:

     User-agent: *
     Disallow: /private/
     Allow: /public/
  3. Customization: Customize the directives based on the structure of the website. For instance, disallow directories or pages that shouldn't be indexed.

  4. Testing: Test the robots.txt file using online tools like Google's Robots Testing Tool or Bing's Webmaster Tools. Ensure it's allowing and disallowing access as intended.

  5. Documentation: Update SEO Wiki and document the purpose of the robots.txt file, the rules implemented, and any specific considerations for future reference.
