An edge is supported by a BEL statement annotated with a biological context and citation. The BEL statement, biological context, and citation compose the _evidence_ for the edge.
It is true that whenever a network edge is linked to a knowledge network successfully we can retrieve evidence. We should create a Cytoscape table that links to the cytoscape network and captures evidence attributes.
We can provide a user interface to display evidence for the linked selected edges for the current network.
An edge is supported by a BEL statement annotated with a biological context and citation. The BEL statement, biological context, and citation compose the _evidence_ for the edge.
It is true that whenever a network edge is linked to a knowledge network successfully we can retrieve evidence. We should create a Cytoscape table that links to the cytoscape network and captures evidence attributes.
We can provide a user interface to display evidence for the linked selected edges for the current network.