OpenBEL / belmgr

Website for managing BEL Evidences - based on Aurelia. Requires the OpenBEL Platform for the backend API/storage.
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 4 forks source link

DevOps Setup for BELMgr #2

Closed wshayes closed 9 years ago

wshayes commented 9 years ago

Can you set up and add this to Bamboo to deploy this app to a server with that domain?

We could run this completely off of S3 (and maybe through Cloudfront) to get experience with that, but I'm not sure if S3 is truly ready yet. I'll leave it to you to figure out the best way forward. This won't take many resources on since it basically acts like a static website as far as nginx is concerned.

nbargnesi commented 9 years ago

This is ready for use on the OpenBEL Build Server.

Once tests and test documentation are introduced, we'll update the test plan piece of this and have those integrated as well.