On the official website, BMTrain support the following structure:
Encoder(bert-base-cased bert-base-uncased bert-large-cased bert-large-uncased bert-base-chinese bert-base-multilingual-cased)
Decoder(CPM-1(large) GPT-2(base) GPT-2(medium) GPT-2(large) GPT-2(XL) GPT-J(6B))
Encoder-Decoder(CPM-2(large) T5-small T5-base T5-large T5(3B) T5(11B))
Whether BMTrain support other model that outside the list?(e.g. resnet and so on)
Is there a tutorial?
Thanks for your great work,
On the official website, BMTrain support the following structure: Encoder(bert-base-cased bert-base-uncased bert-large-cased bert-large-uncased bert-base-chinese bert-base-multilingual-cased) Decoder(CPM-1(large) GPT-2(base) GPT-2(medium) GPT-2(large) GPT-2(XL) GPT-J(6B)) Encoder-Decoder(CPM-2(large) T5-small T5-base T5-large T5(3B) T5(11B))
Whether BMTrain support other model that outside the list?(e.g. resnet and so on) Is there a tutorial?
Looking forward your prompt reply.