OpenBMB / ToolBench

[ICLR'24 spotlight] An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.
Apache License 2.0
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Having issues in installing module when trying to run the backend server #222

Open cws322 opened 7 months ago

cws322 commented 7 months ago

image image

I keep having the issues above when running pip install -r requirements.txt, it seems like a problem from numpy==1.24.3 I tried to remove the numpy==1.24.3 and rerun the installation, it works. However, the system keep prompting me to install other packages (a lot), is there any solution for this?


cws322 commented 7 months ago


Where could I find the toolbench module?

pooruss commented 7 months ago

hi, make sure you set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to the ToolBench root path. Could you provide what command you use to run the backend server, and under which directory?

cws322 commented 7 months ago

Here are my command and my cloned directory (erased the toolbench key): image

1st: set PYTHONPATH=C:\Users\cweis\ToolBench

2nd: python toolbench/inference/ ^ --tool_root_dir data/data/toolenv/tools/ ^ --corpus_tsv_path data/data/retrieval/G1/corpus.tsv ^ --retrieval_model_path C:\Users\cweis\ToolBench\toolbench ^ --retrieved_api_nums 5 ^ --backbone_model toolllama ^ --model_path huggyllama/llama-7b ^ --lora ^ --lora_path /path/to/your/toolllama_lora ^ --max_observation_length 1024 ^ --method DFS_woFilter_w2 ^ --input_query_file data/test_instruction/G1_instruction.json ^ --output_answer_file toolllama_lora_dfs_open_domain_result ^ --rapidapi_key xxx
